Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Post not Possible 20 Years Ago

I have a confession to make.
I, did not like...
Dave Matthews Band the first time I heard them.
I did find "What Would You Say" and "Ants Marching" entertaining, but to listen to Under the Table and Dreaming start to finish made me edgy.
Then, I moved in with my hubby and discovered he was a big fan. Hmmmm...
Honestly, I didn't think much of it at the time. Then, my husband turned 30 and I did the unthinkable. I bought us tickets to The Gorge to see DMB live.
Anyone who knows how I feel about Keanu Reeves, feel free to the enjoy the irony of my using his pic on my blog.
I was hooked. I had always found Dave's voice too nasal to listen to for extended periods of time. The great thing about seeing them live: the band plays these amazing, extending musical breaks. Don't get me wrong, Dave's voice no longer annoys me (even when he mumbles) with its nasality. I don't know what happened. Dave's voice is still nasal, but I no longer cared because this band is unbelievable in concert. Of course, this guy makes it all worthwhile.
I love you and your violin and your arms and your hair and your smile, Boyd Tinsley.
We've seen them live twice since. My advice-don't stay at the campground at The Gorge. Yes, DMB makes appearances at times, but it was so overcrowded and I don't even want to describe the horror that is Gorge Campground Honeypots.
I don't know what these people are doing, but I would rather do this for a living than use an overfull Gorge Honeypot.
Last time we saw DMB at The Gorge was over Labor Day with some friends of ours who are also big fans. My hubby had been traveling for his job and I hadn't seen him in a while, so we met at this tiny hotel with ankle eating bedboards. Our friends were at a nearby hotel and we all enjoyed ourselves ridiculously overmuch. 
Anyway, I had to share this because currently my husband and I are enjoying a full Labor Day concert at the Gorge from 2012 since we did not go this summer. We must go back though. I feel the need to sit on the hillside, under the warm evening sun of late summer, and just groove to the stylings of Dave Matthews Band and hope...just hope...they play my favorite:
DMB at The Gorge over Labor Day makes me happy.