Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Not So Mellow Yellow

We painted our house. Rather, I helped power wash, scrape, and tape and my husband painted the house. It's Hawaiian Pineapple yellow. I'm not one for subtle color choices. I've always wanted a yellow house. Yellow houses are happy, adorable, and quaint little abodes that express charm and personality. Some of the most surprising reactions to our color choice are as follows:

1. When he finished the east side of the house, I took out the trash and admired the color in the bright sun. I promptly sneezed. I sneeze in bright light. I sneeze after being in a dark move theater. I sneeze if someone's headlights are too bright on the highway. I found it highly entertaining that our new house color made me sneeze. I repeated this reaction on subsequent attempts to enjoy the new color.
cat animals sneeze
When your sneeze is powerful enough to create an uplifting experience for your buddy.

2. Our neighbor two doors down came to admire our house. She introduced herself and we chitchatted about how much she respected our work ethic and our color choice. She loves yellow. Of course, then she proceeded to proselytize for her Baptist church which has apparently been newly renovated and is just down the street. *sigh
Goat giving side eye because he can't believe you went there.

3. Another neighbor who was driving down the street stopped to talk to my husband about the color. He opened with, "Let me guess: your wife chose the color?" When my husband confirmed the assumption, the man grumpily stated, "I hate yellow," at which point my husband disengaged and went back to work. The man drove off. Wow.  Today he drove by and gave a friendly smile and wave to my husband, so I guess it wasn't personal. Maybe just expressing his deep sympathy for my husband's arduous task of dealing with such a terrible hue as yellow.
Red Oaks  shocked sam shock no way
You're absolutely right, bro. It's awful. Let's go tell my wife to change it.

4. My husband posted updates on his Facebook about our progress. He showed pictures of the post wash/scrape endeavors. Then he posted each side as it got coated in yellow paint. When he posted the final picture, we got a lot of"Good jobs" and "Looks great!" However, one person he knows who used to live by him growing up expressed her sympathy for our neighbors. She took some heat from some friends of ours. Then she said that sometimes we're too close and love something so much we can't see how ugly it really is. This incurred more bulldog support from our other friends. Seriously--it was this huge FB argument over the color of our house. I made jokes about it. My husband said he wanted to put googly eyes on it, which I granted so long as he put feathers on the chimney like Big Bird. Needless to say, the opposition got irate and eventually called people names until my hubby shut her down. Over. A. Yellow. House.
Oh. You think our house is ugly? This is what I think of your opinion.

So, what have I learned about yellow houses? They force sneezes from my nose. They encourage our neighbors to save our souls, commiserate over spousal choices, as well as argue ridiculously and meanly online. It also prompted some rather amusing Sponge Bob jokes like "Does Patrick live down the street?" and "Who lives in a pineapple just down the street?" Whatever people's reactions, they are theirs and theirs alone. I will take the sneezes and the Sponge Bob jokes, but the rest shall run off my shoulders like so much rain. I've got bigger fish to fry in life than worry about the color of my neighbor' houses.

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