Wednesday, November 9, 2016


On Sunday, I usually post a new blog. This past Sunday though I decided not to. I was uncertain of a topic. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. Instead, my husband and I enjoyed a double-feature of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Dr. Strange. Then we went out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. You could say I was avoiding thinking about Tuesday. I was. I totally was trying to assuage my increasing anxiety about Tuesday. When I woke this morning, all my avoiding meant precisely jack-shit. The unthinkable became reality.
It's ok, Dean. I totally get the impulse. I did a little arm waving while I tried to wipe the stupid away, too.

I went to bed last night less than hopeful. I had been sure that as I drifted off to sleep, the exit polls would show that the America I know and believe in would reject hatred, bigotry, and privilege. My mouth gaped, my eyes popped, and my breath caught when I saw the headline that Clinton conceded. Disbelief. Shock. Fear. I felt them all in a swirl of knowledge that for the next four years we live with the possibility of all progress being scrapped to feed an ego and ideology that should not be validated in the highest office of our government. I then swapped my planned outfit of happy pants for all black, an orange scarf, and my Munch socks.
If I couldn't scream every time I thought of the election, at least I could live vicariously through my footwear.

I scrolled through Facebook on occasion today and was heartened by many on my newsfeed who shared my utter lack of disgust that there will now be a President Trump. I taste bile when I type that. 
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Disgusted Goat feels my pain.

I was also heartened that Hillary won the popular vote. How incredibly awful is it that despite winning the people of our country's vote, an antiquated system provided for in the Constitution gets to decide? As much as I know what the Electoral College is, it mystifies me that they get the final say. My inner cynic can't help but cry foul when this group of numb-nuts somehow can usurp the people's vote. If the majority of people say one person should win, it seems like it shouldn't be possible to then hand the vote to the asshat Cheeto who is supported by more than one hate group. The popular vote rejected the asshat Cheeto. How can Electoral College members even look themselves in the mirror knowing what they've done? They have validated every bigoted, false, and hateful thing that has come from that man's mouth. They have validated his running mate's backward views on reproductive rights and sexual identity. They have established a system where the judicial, legislative, and executive branch now act in collusion rather than checks and balance. The asshat Cheeto said the system was rigged before the results were in. Perhaps he was prophetic.
Image result for goat
If the one making the claim of rigging benefits from the rigging, then isn't that more like rubbing people's noses in the fact that you've actually rigged the system in some way? Good question Goat.Fabulous hair BTW.

Anyway, I've gnashed my teeth, vented to my husband, and consumed my beer. I've also sought information for volunteering at my state's human rights agency, Planned Parenthood offices, and community action group. It's over. It's done. Now it's time to make sure my voice is raised with the others to reject hatred, to spurn misogyny, and to cast out racism with every fiber of our collective humanity. 

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