Sunday, August 13, 2017

Not Your Grandparent's Nazis, but Still Nazis

I spent the better part of mid-day cleaning my basement. I swept the floor, piled stuff to be placed in the dumpster tomorrow, scrubbed the random spots of cat vomit I'd not seen, and wiped away the cobwebs. I also organized the bins of holiday decorations, camping gear, and crafty items. I did all these things because I had no words for yesterday's events in Charlottesville.

Goats, Play, Cute, Funny, Nature
Yes, Goat. A hug would be nice.

I struggled this morning to get going and process and somehow make sense of what happened. I always knew there were fringe and active white supremacists out there, but they were always that: out there--somewhere else out of sight. They have been getting brazen these past few months. Yesterday, they rallied without shame or fear of discovery. They pridefully marched to save a statue of a guy who was nothing more than a bigot and a traitor. I read an article in The Atlantic about General Lee a few weeks ago. It was enlightening, and it went into historical detail about the kind of person Lee really was. Needless to say, it just convinced me more that he is not someone to be celebrated. Since the statues have already been cast and displayed for far too long, placing them in a museum seems fitting. It is important to remember so that we don't get complacent and let the racism and bigotry to gain traction again. Yet, that's exactly what has happened yesterday.

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 I know, Dean. I asked the same question.

Sometimes I read articles to see a different perspective and try to understand it and take Atticus Finch's words to heart by walking in their shoes, but in this case there can be none of that. Although, I have read a number of articles today. One had the fellow from one of the iconic photos who was yelling epithets right along with the others. In it, he has the audacity to claim he is not a racist. Excuse me? Were you there by accident? Did someone coerce you into attending? Did you think this was just a fun evening parade with a Polynesian theme; maybe someone cooked a pig on a spit. None of those are true. Peter Cvjetanovic, you are a racist and a bigot. By declaring yourself a white nationalist, you cannot possibly think that you care for all people. By participating in this rally, you took a side of hate. You may feel remorse now, but you chose to willfully join in a group that marched and chanted Nazi rhetoric. You can't take that back and try to whitewash it.

What, Cam? Pun too pithy?

My husband showed me a photo last night of a toddler. Now, toddlers are usually cute, wobbly creatures covered in a gloss of snot and other fluids or foodstuffs. This toddler stood before a group of police in a KKK white robe and hood. I teared up. This is how we learn to hate. This is where it comes from. This is indoctrination. I wonder if that little kid will one day do one of those retrospective stories like the Nirvana baby "Look at him now!" piece that floated around for a time. I can only hope that by that time, the toddler will have realized that their parent(s) took advantage of their innocence by putting them in that outfit. Those parents made a choice to make their child an image of and participant in hate.

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Yes, Hulk. You and me both mad. 

Anyone who reads my blog with any kind of consistency knows I have no love for the Tangerine Shart. He proved yet again why we should not "give him a chance" or "respect the office of the President of the United States no matter who sits in the Oval Office". To equate the altercations between the Nazis and those who showed to oppose them is ludicrous. I know from photos and a first hand account that there were indeed skirmishes between the two groups. However, only one group showed up with guns and chanted and marched with phrases like "Heil!" to the guy in the dick measuring contest with North Korea. Only one group had a member who got behind the wheel with the sole purpose of causing death and terror. The other group was silent, sang "This Little Light of Mine", and stood against the hate and fear mongering that flagrantly infested Charlottesville.

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 I'd say Cheeto Benito chose poorly with that statement.

These two groups are not and never will be equal.

 best nope ever michelle obama michelle GIF
I knew you'd agree, Michelle. I miss you and Barack.

The Asshat in Chief made the most tone-deaf comment he possibly could when he said "many sides". Many sides of hatred from white supremacists, Nazis, and white nationalists maybe. The consequence of his failure as the President of the United States can be seen in the reaction of David Duke, who reminded the Orange Buffoon who put him in office. Not only that, but other racists have called the Current Occupant of the White House "good" because he didn't specifically call them out. Since he didn't condemn them, he therefore feels love for them and sees their point of view as valid. Well, if that is true, then this is just one more brick in the wall of racial divides and racial terrorism. When our leader cannot disavow terrorist acts because a Nazi was at the helm, we're in for something even worse.

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Yet again, Dean, you are correct. Now I think Sam needs your assistance.

There's a No Hate in Our State gathering tonight at our Civic Center. I know my sister in law is going to one in Indiana. I hope people all over this country will attend one and renounce hate in all its forms. I hope they take the stand that Heather Heyer gave her life for. I hope those who would fight against Nazis will raise their voices as one and come together to sing "This Little Light of Mine". I hope they can do what the weak and complicit Jerk of the United States could not do. Love will rise and drown out the hate. It has to. The alternative is too chilling to consider.

 Moose, Calf, Young, Animal, Mammal
For your sake, little Moose and every other little creature. 

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