Monday, March 19, 2012

My New Ostara Ritual

I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow night.

Hold outside if possible.  If not possible, have a living plant on the altar.  Decorate altar with flowers, edible seeds, and a green cloth.  Symbols of the God are important since this day celebrates his return to earth and his increasing awareness of the Goddess.  Incense that is flowery or herbal is best.  White candles and pastel colors are important.  Eggs represent the potential for life as do the seeds.  This is a time to feel the earth awakening and readiness to burst forth the life of the season.
Cast circle- bless and consecrate the water, salt, set incense and candle burning
Recite blessing:
            I call upon the renewing energies of the earth,
            The life-spring of the planet come forth!
            Rejoice with the Lord of the Hunt and the Lady of the Moon,
            And together with the elemental realms attune!
            Entwine with one another, surround this space,
            Rain blessings within, among, and around the earthly base.      
Invoke Goddess and God
            Maiden Lady, beautiful Goddess of nighttime skies,
            Join and offer your abundant blessings to this Ostara rite.

            Young God, rise from your slumber and begin to burn,
            Join and offer your fiery blessings on Ostara’s turn.
Feel the energies of the earth either through contact with the plant or through the soil if you are outside.  
            Mother earth, I feel the heat of the God rising through you!  Your energies rise          together to free us all from winter’s chill. Light and dark in balance with the Lord and Lady to renew, regenerate, rejoice!  On this paper my goals are three: creativity to           solve the problems we face, peace for the tribulations of the world, and an end to     suffering of all living things.  Take them into the fire and set them free as the world awakens to spring!
Light paper on fire and place in cauldron to burn out.   Meditate on the changing season.  Celebrate the Simple Feast.  Close circle.

1 comment:

  1. I used melted snow from our recent spring snowstorm for my water in the circle. Lavender incense and since I could not locate a green cloth, I used a drape that has a decorated egg on it instead. My loving husband brought home a potted lily for my potted plant since the snow and muck in the yard said no to the outside ritual. I love the feeling of saying my own rituals instead of someone else's. I never thought it'd be that big a deal, but there's a whole new dimension to taking the time to think through the symbolism and wording to use etc. Deeper connection. Coolest part--closing circle and seeing the blue sky outside. It's been cloudy and overcast all day. Loved it!
