Sunday, December 16, 2012


Happiness is a choice. 
I honestly believe that.  Unfortunately for some in society, happiness is not a choice.  Something in their bodies, minds, and spirits interferes with their ability to be happy and content.  I have no words to help them.

I do, however, have the ability to be happy myself.  I can seek peace and wonder and joy.  For that, I am eternally grateful.  Do you know what makes me happy?

  1. Dancing makes me happy.  I don’t care if it is two-stepping, freestylin’ it in barefeet at a music festival or belly dancing with my favorite prop d’jour.  Dancing frees me to unparalleled levels of bliss.  I frequently cannot be dragged off the dance floor. 

  1. My husband makes me happy.  He and I have known each other for over twenty years and for some reason, he still loves me just the way I am.  Fat, thin, long hair, short hair, angry, content—I’m sure he’d prefer content—but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he loves me and always will.
photo by Micah Hewett Images

  1. My friends make me happy.  Some are goofy.  Some are rowdy.  Some are intellectual and some are carefree.  I love each and every one of them as they are and for what they bring to my life.  They make me think, they offer me advice, and they keep trudging forward through this life with me.  Sometimes it’s more like separate paths that occasionally cross for brief periods of time, but I know some truly fantastic and wonderful human beings who enrich my life.

  1. My family makes me happy.  The saying goes that you can’t choose your family.  In every family you have a delightful mix of personalities, quirks, and gifts.  No matter what though, we are family and we always will be despite any difference of opinion.  I can look at each one of them and always find something lovely I admire about them even if I can’t stand to spend more than a few hours around some of them.  C’mon—be honest; you know what I mean.

  1. My cats make me happy.  They are three furry terrors at times and they can cause devastation in the house, but they also can be the cuddliest balls of love ever seen even when they aren’t seeking food.  A gentle head bump from Poof wakes me gently most mornings.  Link’s unbelievably loud purr calms my heart.  Hissy’s temperament makes me laugh even when I know she’d rather we humans just let her be.  They add a lot to our household despite their cat-ness.

  1. Reading makes me happy.  I learn so much from books and plays and articles; I can’t put words to how happy books make me.  They take me far away from this world to someplace new and sometimes frightening.  Their protagonists help me figure out my own life’s path and the motivations of others.  I find sheer nirvana in sitting down with a cup of coffee some mornings with no further agenda than to thoroughly digest a good book.

  1. Food makes me happy.  Here I am incredibly blessed with a husband whose mother taught him a love of the culinary arts.  He is skilled and he spoils me rotten with his technique.  I can give him a wacky idea and he’ll turn it into delicious dinner.  Give me spices and meat and vegetables and wine!  I love to eat!

  1. Music makes me happy.  The lovely thing about music is that it suits whatever mood you may be experiencing.  You can select a sublime concerto for an afternoon’s contemplation or you can crank hard rock to release whatever raw emotion is disturbing your day.  Music always soothes no matter what the ill.

  1. Nature makes me happy.  Spending time outdoors by a lake or on a mountain trail or staring at a campfire settles my spirit.  I find the natural world puzzling, peaceful, and poignant.  Learning about different and unusual life or habitats fills me wonder and delight.

  1. The universe makes me happy.  I find sheer thrill in studying the planets and the stars and the Big Bang and the quasars.  Fascination.  Unbridled fascination.

At this time of year with the numerous hardships and tragedies that we as humans face on the blue marble, I wish nothing but the best for us all.  May we find the answers that bring happiness to those who cannot choose it for themselves.  May we find some way to offer joy, friendship, and harmony to everyone we meet.  Blessed be to everyone.

A Yule Blessing
Our world wrapped in darkness
We eagerly seek the light.
Together we watch and wait,
To bring hope and peace this night.

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