Monday, December 31, 2012

So long! Farewell! Auf wiedersehen! Good bye!

Another year ends tonight.  Whoopee!  Ok, that said, it’s been a tumultuous and at times darn right aggravatin’ year.  So many details of my life were upended and changed without my input or voice.  Not having an iota of control over my professional world really upset me these last few months and I allowed it to steal away my peaceful state of mind.  However, I am now going to pat myself on the back for several New Year Resolution accomplishments from 2012. 

This year I expanded my employability endeavors.  I began tutoring online and met with success in this venture.  I have more to do in this field and I am looking forward to the opportunity to excel. Last week another site asked me for a writing sample.  Tempting…I need to check it out and see if it is better pay or better hours than I what I am currently doing.  Right before the holiday I finished editing a novella for a young man from Haiti.  It mostly involved correcting punctuation and other mechanics, but it’s something new to add to a resume.  I also wrote a piece that got published by someone other than me.  I got paid for it even.  How cool is that?  Not too shabby on exploring other job options.

I’m making tremendous progress on the understanding of personal finance.  I’m watching more closely where our money goes.  We are learning to live within different parameters so that we can be freer in our money goals.  I’m learning and I’m spending time analyzing how we can live the lives we want to without money feeling like a burden.  I believe in being responsible and making informed choices.  I will continue to work toward independence and contentment in this area.

Another opportunity occurred when I got to visit a city I have never been to.  In September I flew to Vegas and got to spend a whirlwind weekend learning new dance moves, watching professionals demonstrate their prowess, and enjoying time with my fellow belly dancers.  While there I saw an old friend who kindly gave me the shot at getting published (thanks again, Craig!).  I got to experience a bit of Sin City; enough to realize that the strip is devoted to pleasure and vice.  You want it, they got it.  I also concluded that Vegas is not my city.  I am not meant to reside in a desert, but visiting again would be all right with me.

Along with new resume fodder, money matters and travel, I read a lot.  I wanted to read more books and I think I did.  I read everything from ridiculous sci-fi Douglas Adams style to the classic sci-fi Dune and Stranger in a Strange Land as well as non-fiction Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku, Wolf Gift by Anne Rice, and the Dalai Lama’s latest book Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World.  I averaged more than 2 books a month all year.  I love reading!  When I don’t get a juicy story to read, I feel something in my life is missing.  Each year I try to read a few more of the titles on the top 100 must read list.  Eventually I will read them all.

 A while back I started eating according to a different method.  Since then I have maintained the initial benefits of weight loss and increased health and energy.  I wanted to make sure in 2012 that I could continue the positive eating and living plan I started.  One vital part of any lifestyle change involves finding something you can keep doing without getting bored or complacent.  Eating from a primal menu brought me so many benefits that I can’t imagine going back to the way things were.  Honestly, I ate well before this switch, but I eat even better now.  No lie.  I don’t feel deprived or hungry or like I can’t manage it.  It’s simple, easy, and oh so tasty! 

Most importantly I maintained a blog all year!  Granted, once the chapter a week of Scott Cunningham’s work was finished, I slacked off on the postings, but I did find other topics to keep me writing.  By doing so I worked through some of my core beliefs and emerged even stronger in conviction.  I think my self-assignment helped me gain perspective, solidify my beliefs, and find a level of comfort in my own skin.  I honestly do believe that this is who I am and while others may not always understand or accept it, it’s my life to live, not theirs.  I will continue to live the best possible life I can on my terms. This is one resolution kept and met.  Hopefully I will get to bring a little joy to others along the way in the coming year.

One unexpected understanding that came to me this year involves happiness.  Finding what makes you happy is important.  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise because it is rubbish to deny the importance of happiness in our lives.  So much heartbreak and devastation occurs in the world.  Realizing and accepting that most of it exists outside my control fills me with frustration and angst.  Finding a way to make this world a little better, a little happier challenges me.  I may not have all the answers to the world’s problems, but I can find ways to work in my own area to improve conditions here.  I can make donations, sign petitions, send my representatives letters and emails, and volunteer.  I can also find one thing each day that makes me happy and share that joy with others.  I want more happiness in my life and in my world now that we averted the Mayan apocalypse.  Time to be the change I want to see in the world.    

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