Sunday, April 28, 2013

Top 10 Signs I Am a Workaholic

10. I neglect my blog for more than a week despite two half done blog postings and several ideas for postings running around in my head.
Really. I have a couple that I just haven't finished.
9.  I realize at 3pm that I haven't had anything but coffee...and I want more coffee.
If only it was like that.
8. My cats follow me around the house and Poof gets nominated to give the Big Eyes of Guilt until I stop what I am doing and play for a while.
I just thought this cartoon was clever. That is all.
7. I stay in my robe all day long on Sunday because I work from my sofa and what's the point in getting dressed if I am not going out.
Dude. What's the point? Seriously?
6.  Instead of going to see how my friends are doing, I email.
Really. Live in the same town, have a mode of transportation, but then there's email which saves that whole finding a bra thing.
5. It took me almost two weeks to finish a book...and it wasn't even 350 pages.
I got this. I can totally own this novel with one more pass.
4.  I've stayed inside on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in spring.
It's spring and there's no snow. Why am I not digging in the dirt?
3. I know I have a dance performance for class and I am just too stinking tired to prepare.
I don't even have a song chosen. Oy!
2. I have an old tube sock full of rice around my neck or on my lower back at all times in the house.
It wards off Zorak. "I am the Lone Locust of the apocalypse. Think of me when you look to the night sky.."~Zorak
1. I look forward to the weekend because of all that free time I can spend working my side jobs.
At least one of the jobs is at an end for a few weeks. *Whew
Love you, Babe!

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