Monday, April 8, 2013

May the Geek be with You

Sorry for my absence, gentle readers.  I have no excuse other than I have been very busy writing essay reviews and articles.  I’ve been writing so much that frankly, once I am done writing those two items, the last thing I want to do is write more.  My eyes can take only so much textual gandering a day and eventually I just need a break.  On the upside, the two bonus jobs have been going well.
Yup.  That about sums it up right there.

They changed the rules on me with the essay reviews and now I have some work to do to get back on track with my compliance there.  Luckily, the new critique style will not go in my permanent file, but it was enlightening to see the new rules.  I also continue to get minimal revisions back from my editor.  My revisions were itty-bitty for most of them.  Minute details like change smart quotations to straight quotations or change italics to quotations and the like.  I did have a wee bit more overhaul action for my article on Windows Live.  Honestly, I can’t stand writing about troubleshooting computer problems.  It’s terrible boring.  This past week I got to write about weight loss and calorie counting, which was less mind-numbing and faster to create the articles. Much easier.  I could get those babies done in 30-45 minutes.
I think he found the droids he was looking for.

Yesterday, after crunching through the last of my articles, I finally had some much needed free time.  I sat and reread a Stephanie Plum novel.  I really enjoy Janet Evanovich’s Plum series. My sister introduced me to them and if you have not read her stuff, you should check it out.  Fast reads.  I can plow through one of her books in an afternoon.  The repetition of how Stephanie comes to be a bond enforcement agent can get tedious for someone who reads all of the series, but it is needed in case you read Ten Big Ones and then read the rest of the novels I suppose.  It was fun to go back to the beginning and reread the very first novel.
It was inevitable.

After that, I had some time to release my Geek.  The new computer that my husband built is phenomenal.  I love it.  It flies at record speed to download from the net.  Its best use though is for geeking.  I finally get to play Diablo III.  My hubby got it for my birthday last year and I just now get to play.  My monk toon rocks.  I kind of flew through normal mode without much difficulty.  I think I died three times maybe.  I’ve died way more than that in nightmare mode and I’m not even through act 2 of the game.  It’s difficult to explain to people why I love playing Diablo or World of Warcraft if they don’t play.  There is something deeply satisfying about annihilating demons and zombies and sorceresses in the quest for achievements and rewards.  Pavlov would love to watch people geek to these games. Who needs a bell and kibble when you can get a two socketed pair of rare pants that adds over a thousand life to your toon just by slaying a mid-level boss?  So yes, I have spent a lot of free time rolling through New Tristram with my monk, Tigerlilly.  She’s hardcore.
She's hot right? Hardcore hot!
Once I get her through nightmare mode, it’s on to hell mode.  After that, I think it’ll be closer to summer, so I can go back into WoW and see how Lupie, my frost mage, is doing.  I think WoW will need to wait for summer.  I have so much to catch up on in that game that it’ll take awhile to get back on track.  Besides, I like to run with my hubby’s toon and we can’t both game just yet.  We need to do something about the laptop in order to do that.  Maybe we could just replace the motherboard in the old desktop and get a new monitor for it…Maybe I should ask for Amazon cards to do that.  I swear I won’t disappear from the blogosphere.  I may just get shorter or less frequent with my postings…seriously.  Laying out a host of demons with one ring of my bell of doom feels really good some days.  Seriously.  Really good.
I can still play Diablo III without thumbs.

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