Monday, March 25, 2013

An Appreciation for the Pun

I've never been one for puns unless they were Shakespearean or some other literary witticism.  However, I must say that I have developed a new found use for them...two actually.
I start each session at work with a pun.  The session's agenda is posted, and at the top I place a pun.  They are frequently groaners, but I enjoy them anyway and they get the people I work with to think.  Some of them even laugh at them.  For example, today I had "A horse is a very stable animal."  Go ahead.  Groan.  I'll wait.
It's a great way to break the ice and the monotony and it makes people snicker.  It's one of the few bright spots in my day to watch and see who giggles and who rolls their eyes.
I also have developed a terrible habit of exchanging puns with a friend of mine.  She's not on the book of face anymore, but we still email or text each other awful puns like this one:
I believe this was my first retaliation for her pun offensive.
It slid from there.
Now it's not really a weekend until I send her a pun and vice versa.  We send them randomly during the week as well.
It's just one of those things friends do to keep one another entertained.

Science Cat is one of my favorites.

George Takei is a wonderful source for all things punny.  I love ones that make people look up things, too.

Thanks George Takei!
I have a deep and abiding crush on James Spader, so I must include a Spader pun:

I guess the point is this: sometimes embracing the thing that makes you cringe can lead to something entertaining.  Other times you just flop around on the floor and hope to recover without wetting yourself.  I love our little Pun War.  It's one of those things that I look forward to.  Especially when she sends me this:
I hope some of these made you smile.

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