Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

Been a busy week.  Many long nights and things to do.  Thank goodness this day is almost to a close. I cannot wait for this weekend.  I am hopeful that at least one of my jobs will not be recording hours on Saturday.  That way I can write articles on Saturday and Sunday rather than all on Sunday like last week.  At least last week’s articles all passed muster and no revisions requested.  Yeah me!

The best part though—I am riding my bike tomorrow.  Yahoo!  That’s right.  My loving husband got it tuned up and ready to ride, so tomorrow it makes its return appearance to the streets of town.  It’s killed me not to ride this week with the weather being nicer and the snow being gone from the road, but being at work until 9pm tonight makes me less inclined to hop on a bike to ride home.  Granted it is staying lighter later, but by 9p it’s mostly dark and still quite cool.  Best to drive today.

I’m looking forward to my inaugural ride of the season.  I’ve missed riding.  Mostly I’ve missed riding because finding a parking spot for a bike is amazingly simple.  I loathe the parking lot because you have to time it just right.  If you get here too early, no spots because members of one team take the spots and then leave after I’ve already clocked in.  The other problem is if you wait too long to get here, the spots are all full and you end up walking, which means you also must park on the street.  Furthermore, the parking lot is also vulnerable to attacks of soda.  I’ve been hit three times this year.  Nothing is as much fun as frozen soda on your windshield.  My bike has never been struck. 

Another reason I am thankful for the bike involves the sheer joy of it.  I love watching the neighborhoods come alive in the morning as I peddle. I see cats out on the prowl, bunnies dashing for cover, and the occasional bird of prey swooping across my path.  I also love the smell of spring.  The earthy ripeness of the thaw reminds me that planting season is coming.  In the afternoons, I get to meditate a bit on my day.  I think part of my insomnia lately is the fact that I don’t get to work off the stress and muck from work.  Biking helps me clear my head of all that clutter.  Believe me; it needs to be cleansed of that clutter before I get home.

Tomorrow, I ride. 

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