Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh Where Oh Where Has My Weekend Gone

What can I say?  I wrote 6 articles this weekend.  Oddly enough, I think the ones on electrical home repair were the best.  I knew very little about electrical switches and electrical service panels, but boy do I know a lot now.  Whew! I’m hoping that as I get more familiar with the writing style they want me to use, I will be able to shorten the time per article from about two hours to one.  I don’t want to be giving away my time you see.  I get paid very little per article, but I have to investigate the topic before I can write the darn thing.  This means I spend a bulk of my time searching for and reading through information pertaining to the topic. It’s time consuming.  Once I get an idea for how to shape the article, then the process is fairly smooth and to the point.  The hardest part though is not hitting the space bar twice after a period.  It’s vexing and I have to proof specifically for that practice of two spaces after the period.  Somewhere my junior high school keyboard instructor is grimacing.
Not that Grimace.  Geez.  WTH is he anyway?

I did find ways to reward myself for my hard work.  You can call this part of the irrational hope for spring people in colder regions go through this time of year, but I made our reservation at the lake.  I was able to get one of the sites that we prefer for the whole time we shall be there.  Sometimes when I’ve made reservations, I’ve been faced with either moving from one site to another mid way through the week or taking a site at the non-flushable toilet loop of the campground.  I’d rather go with the non-flush sites than pulling up stakes half way through.  Making the reservation always gives me hope during this time of year.  Once the hints of spring begin, the urge to camp fills my thoughts.  After spending a cold winter indoors, I long for time in the mountains and in the lake.  I am not a winter sports enthusiast for many reasons, so I’m positively itching for the hills and forests by March.  I have at least confirmed a time for our camping retreat and we will also have a visit from some close friends while we are there.  I cannot wait for July.  Must have patience.
Tell me you wouldn't rather be there, too. The sunrise over those mountains is spactacular to behold.

I also had my picture taken for some advertising.  I really do not enjoy having my picture taken.  I almost always have a forced look on my face or my eyes look weird or I close my eyes; I blink a lot in a photo sessions.  It takes a skilled photographer to get me at ease enough to get a decent shot especially when I am wearing belly dance costumes.  The restaurant where my troupe dances requested some pictures of us for their lobby, print advertising, and *gulp* airport advertising.  Well, I only took one costume because it was the one I wanted to be in the pictures.  It’s bold and colorful and very me, but I got a little friendly chastising for only bringing one costume.  This led to me trying on an outfit that when I looked at it months ago, I thought there was no way that it would fit my bosom.  It fit.  I need to adjust the straps mind you, but the cups hold the girls just fine.  Imagine that.  It’s even copper and gold tones and flattering on me.  I have been saving my belly dance spending for when our costumer gets in a new shipment from Turkey.  I really want a deep green color bedlah set, but this metallic tone set is quite lovely.  I can’t come up with a really good reason not to buy it other than of course the cost.  You know what though?  I have not bought a new outfit since this time last year.  I have been a very good girl.  You know what else? I look damn good in this costume.  At this point, it is not a question of need.  I work hard.  My husband and I have enough to take care of bills and eat, so spending a little money on this luscious outfit is not going to harm our bottom line.   If I write 9 more articles, I can pay for it.  Why not put this added income that I wasn’t expecting until summer toward something that makes me feel beautiful?  I am very persuasive when I argue with myself.
Best part of arguing with myself: I win every time.

There you have it.  Writing took up a majority of my weekend, but I was able to sneak a little me time in, too.  Now if this ridiculous winter would just end, I could go pollute the air with my bike riding.  Click that link.  It made me want to slap my forehead in exasperated disbelief this morning.

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