Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's All About the Recovery

Today, I cried.
I used to think of crying as ridiculous and pointless and weakness.  I was too tough to cry.  As it stands, I still don't cry that often, but now I recognize the importance of a good cry now and then.
Today, I shut the door to my office, turned up some music, and just let the emotion roll out of me.  It only lasted about five minutes, but it was necessary.  This week has sucked the proverbial big one.  Not all of it mind you, just certain parts.  Today, I broke.
It felt good.
Crying is an odd phenomenon.  We leak water out of our eyes for joy, for sorrow, for ridiculous TV commercials; it really doesn't matter, it just happens sometimes.  I've learned that when the impulse comes, I should just find somewhere safe to let fly the tears of frustration.
I don't particularly enjoy crying mind you.  You get all puffy-eyed, runny-nosed, and incoherent.  I do not find any of those appealing.  In fact, they are the reason I avoid crying in general.  Yet, at times, the only way to recover and move on is to let the emotion roll right down your face.
Mascara can be an issue.
You know what I did after my cry?  I threw myself into my next task.  I even sang a song about how "to have present perfect tense, you need has or have.  Only in the past perfect will use you had."  Seriously.  It's a song I made up to help me remember perfect tense.  I sang it today for the first time in 15 years.  It was hilarious and got quite a reaction.  My nerd flag flew high today.
There was laughter.  There was enjoyment.  There was fun.  There was a reminder about where my talents are most effective.
Hopefully tomorrow there will be more of the same.

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