Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Must Have Caught the Blahs from Tuesday

Not much to report.
It is Wednesday, which means the week is more than half over.
We are having leftovers for dinner.
It snowed today.  Then it melted.
I rewrote an article and revised another.  No article revisions requested since.  I am hoping I won't get more requests since I am not interested in revising tonight.
My husband and I shared a brain about grocery shopping.  He asked me to stop and pick up an item he forgot and I picked up a few items I knew we were out of but weren't on the list.  He got the same dang things.
When I sit here pondering the absolute unremarkable nature of today and what was good and what was bleak, I discover that this fellow I work with is really quite kind.  It's odd.  We worked together at a local fast food place when we were in high school. It was my first ever job and he was goofy, but nice.  He had a crush on a friend of mine and I wasn't really interested in him in that way, so no big deal.  Now twenty some years later, we are co-workers again.
He is funny and decent and benevolent.  He offered to help me out today without a hesitation.  I really appreciate that.  He is quick with a joke to lighten the mood and he has a wry sense of humor at times.  It's like those joke grenades that you toss out and then just wait for someone to get it.  We seem to have struck a reciprocity that I don't think ever existed until this year.  Anyway, he's really very thoughtful and willing to assist whenever needed.  Sometimes I think that is to his detriment, but that's his choice to make I suppose.  
There you have it.  Today's bright spot was the fact that someone jumped up to help me out and I honestly appreciate everything this man has done for me this year.  I enjoy his humor, his reliability, and his honest to goodness authenticity. 
Dinner is almost ready and less than 90 minutes until my mid-week indulgence. 

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