Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Geek Time: The Goat Demands

I placed an order on Amazon.  It was for the video card and operating system.  My hubby's been buying bits of a computer rebuild over the last few months. Ever since I bought Diablo III and it didn't play nicely with our current computer, we've been planning for a rebuild.  We had minimum specs and yet, we had really bad stalls and graphic problems.  Yuck!  That is when you should upgrade right?  When your gamer crush demands a new set-up?  Besides, I keep getting "Come Back to WoW" notices. Not that I have time for gaming right now what with articles, essays, 9-5 (ok 730-340) and now a homebound tutor five nights a week (when and if she shows up).  I am swamped and as my husband said, "Are you sure you're not spreading yourself too thin?"

The end is in sight though and now I feel that compulsory kick to make it happen as soon as humanly possible, so I am going to work my ass off for it.  Curse you type A residual tendencies*shakes fist The Goat demands it for security.
"You will work your ass off to make sure there is sufficient safety net to please me."
This means Hubby has more household chores to maintain, so it's a trade off.
Anyway--computer parts are on their way to us.  This means I can play WoW, Diablo III, and get some voiceover recordings going.  Once we rebuild the desktop, it will be time for a new laptop.  It's a vicious cycle of technology.  However, my jobs are relying heavily on my ability to navigate the web, so maybe I can find a way to incorporate at home office expenses on our taxes somehow.  I have no idea.  I will have to investigate at home office rules and regulations.  As long as the end is in sight, I can't say no.  When every fiber of your being says so, how do you argue?

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