Monday, March 18, 2013

Let's Play What If

I just sent my last article for this cycle to the editor.  I think she's a little behind because three of last week's are still in the "ready for editor" folder.  Too late to request revisions, but it also means I do not get paid until they get passed on.  I can wait.
I'm feeling slightly optimistic. It's odd, I know.  You see, things keep happening.  Opportunities keep presenting themselves.  I now have a chance to be a mentor full-time this summer.  I feel like kicking up my heals and saying:
You see, if this job takes off the way the company wants it to, it has benefits.  It is more money than the essay tutoring and it is more hours.  I have to apply; that's not up for debate.  I wanted to get that taken care of this weekend, but between essays, articles, and corned beef with cabbage, I didn't get there.  It's on the top of the list for tomorrow though.  I've been writing a gazillion articles about resume writing, so no worries there right?  Anyway, what an unexpected opportunity!  This is why I took the essay job anyway--opportunity and advancement.  
I've also got a kind and generous friend who is going to give me lessons on getting my voiceover work kicked off.  I have a plan for that as well, but we need our computer upgrade completed if I am really going to make a go of it.  Although, my friend has offered to let me record at his place.  Like I said, he's kind and generous.  
It's going to be a busy summer.
I still feel a bit of a nervous flutter when I think about this transition, but it seems like the Universe is saying, "It's ok.  You have all these other ways to earn a living AND be happy again."  It makes the grieving easier.  It's giving me more courage to take the leap.  My goat is reassured, but not quite completely convinced.  It's at least willing to walk that rocky cliff.
C'mon goat.  Gemini is waiting for you.

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