Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Test Your Metal

Last night, I came home and rocked out.  I really just needed to unwind.  It all started because I needed to hear this:
So I plugged the laptop into the speaker system and cranked it.  My husband and I both sang along.  I don't know why this song sticks with me, but I've always liked it.  I think it's the guitar riff.  Of course now, it's all about the giggly grrr factor of Supernatural, but I digress.  The music just got louder and heavier as the evening went on.

I asked if my husband wanted to hear something, and he read my mind.  No really.  We do that sometimes.  This was the result:
You gotta love a song about Vikings.

Then I decided to go for a little AC/DC.  Odd because I am not a huge fan, but I like this one:
 Then it was back to hubby for this one that I have not heard in a long time:

Which of course prompted the next selection:

Much to the felines' collective dismay, we kept going.  It was just that kind of Monday.
Hissy doesn't like this song.  She ran to the basement.

Poof was not partial to this song in particular.  He slinked along the floor until he made it safely to the back room under the green chair.
Side note: I was in third grade. *snicker

I even went for Dream Theater:

I guess, there's just nothing quite like coming home, cracking a beer, and dancing to some classic metal.  Screaming along is highly recommended.  Annoying the fur children is an added bonus.  It is a marvel that the neighbors didn't come knock on our door.  Personally, I think the nuns were rockin' out, too.

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