Sunday, March 10, 2013

Go Ahead and Turn a Hair

I spent this weekend focused on my two other jobs.  Yesterday between bouts of stomach bug grossness I somehow managed to get 5 hours of online writing tutoring done.  I must say that 2-3 weeks off makes it a little tough getting back in the swing of 30 minute turnarounds and tummy trouble does not help.  I did it though.  I also took a nap between 2.5 hour segments because the stomach bug was just that nasty.

Today, I got my 6 articles done.  I know I had revisions on 4 of my 6 last week, but I never did hear back on the two strays.  I figure they were either fine (yeah me) or the editor just didn't get to them by her deadline and I am therefore off the hook.  My articles this week though were do's and don'ts, which proved much simpler to accomplish than reviews.  I got them done in under an hour each save one, which was a little sketchy. My keywords were itchy skin eruptions.  Nice right?  I got them all done though and I can rest easy knowing that my burden is met.  I anticipate rewrites and revisions of course, but the bulk of the work is done.

With all the work done, a little fun was warranted.  So I dyed my hair.  It was time; too much silver showing through.  Yes, I have silver hair.  I have had silver in my hair since I was 24.  I am nearly 40 and I figure I will keep dying my hair.  It has less to do with the silver than with the fact that dying my hair is fun.  It gives me a chance to express myself.  Hair color keeps me from getting bored with the monotony of life.  My shorter, colorful hairstyles have always been one of the details that people associate with me.  I've had everything from strawberry blond to black.  I tend toward the red-brown spectrum for the most part.  It's closer to my natural color to stick to this range, so the warm tones look good on me.  Today I chose a medium reddish brown.  I've been medium golden brown for the last few months.  With the warmer weather it was time for a change.  Brighter and bolder was definitely called for.

I started coloring my hair in college.  Much to my surprise, a friend of mine dyed her hair Marilyn blond and on one spring time trip to Walmart, she talked me into trying it out. Consequently, I purchased a copper penny color and I have been hooked ever since. At times, I have ventured into unconventional color with midnight and royal blue.  You see, when I was in high school my mom refused my request for blue hair.  Now I see teens with every color of the rainbow, but blue hair in 1990 was reserved for punks and my mother probably wanted to avoid that indulgence. It only took me until 2007 to finally go blue.  I think this summer I may try again. Long live the rebel in us all.

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