Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I Love Spring!

I want to shout it from the rooftops!
I rode my bike to work and it was glorious.  It was warm and blue skies.  The sun over the eastern mountains this morning was an electric tangerine and it caught my breath.  Riding home I was almost too warm in my lightweight windbreaker.  I loved it!
I have seen bunnies in the yard.  I have seen the robins.  I opened my window at work and listened to the sparrows chittering in the nearby tree.
My husband started the sprouts for the garden and they are already awakening and bursting through soil.  I cannot wait. We still have monster spaghetti squash from last harvest and I cannot wait to see what our garden provides this year.
A jade plant that a friend gave into my care when she moved has taken over its new pot and started fresh sprouts.  It is an amazing plant to behold.
I have several new ventures to nurture and cultivate into thriving life.  I am blessed.
Happy Ostara everyone.  May the revitalized season find you, warm you, and foster you into life.
Blessed be.

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