Monday, February 17, 2014

Right Speech Draft One

Who determines the rightness of speech--
Speaker yoked to responsibility,
Or receiver burdened with culpability ?
Be honest with yourself: rightness boils down to purpose-
Know your audience.
Choose verbiage to open dialogue.
Respectful discourse does not mean approval of opposition,
If you know your purpose, you will find right speech.

To humiliate takes little effort-
Unleash cruel and heartless.
To romance requires some thought,
Combine gentle and seductive.
To persuade demands fact:
Balance righteousness with civility.
To garner respect for your viewpoint,
Open your mouth with admirable purpose and intent.

Seeing rightness at your side
does not equate to right speech.
Have your facts.
Build your argument.
Know your mind.
But above all, know your purpose.
Therein lies all the choice.
All the responsibility.
All the possibility.
If you want my respect,
Toss the hostility,
Examine the situation objectively.
Choose words according to purpose.

When you find them, may I borrow some?
Because this shit is hard.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Getting It Done

Ever have those days where you feel unstoppable? You just keep checking stuff off that incredibly long list of to-get-done-today until you realize there is nothing left on the list? I had one of those days yesterday.
I had to do two hours of essays, some chores around here, taxes *groan, and even a bit of fun stuff.
I absolutely love to-get-done lists. They make me feel so accomplished. It's ridiculous I know, but just crossing something as small as "check library status for book club selection" fills me with a gleeful thrill.
My preferred method of spending free time. Yes, reading goes on my to-get-done list every weekend.

I like to begin with the chores. I find it far easier to get through with all other stuff on my list if my house is in order. It also helps pass the time while coffee brews if I have dishes to do or laundry to sort.
Slay the dishwasher monster first. Then appease the coffee monster. It's a natural progression.

My favorite part though was making some jewelry. A few weeks ago, my niece asked me to lengthen a charm bracelet for her. It was about 1/2 an inch too short, so I said yes. I measured her wrist, measured the bracelet, and proceeded to go get my haircut after which I went bead shopping. When I got home though, the bracelet was not on the table where I left it. I checked my pockets just to see if I inadvertently slipped it into one of them. Nope. I looked on the floor thinking perhaps a feline had turned the bracelet into a toy. Nope. I called my stylist to see if I had dropped it in the salon. Nope. I checked my truck to see if it had dropped in the cab somewhere. Nope.
Total fail as an aunt. I'm still thinking felines were involved, but heck if I know what they did with that bracelet.
I also made a pin for a friend at work who has been very supportive of me. We've known one another since playground days and I love her mix of feisty with a splash of compassion personality. I think showing gratitude is really important especially when a friend puts herself out there for you.
Sometimes force is required.
Anyway, after ample swearing at the damned crimp beads, my jewelry endeavors resulted in these:

Hopefully my niece will accept the charm bracelet as my undying remorse for having lost the original and my colleague will appreciate the funky myth pin. 

I even cleaned up my jewelry  making mess when I was done. As I said, unstoppable I was.