Monday, February 17, 2014

Right Speech Draft One

Who determines the rightness of speech--
Speaker yoked to responsibility,
Or receiver burdened with culpability ?
Be honest with yourself: rightness boils down to purpose-
Know your audience.
Choose verbiage to open dialogue.
Respectful discourse does not mean approval of opposition,
If you know your purpose, you will find right speech.

To humiliate takes little effort-
Unleash cruel and heartless.
To romance requires some thought,
Combine gentle and seductive.
To persuade demands fact:
Balance righteousness with civility.
To garner respect for your viewpoint,
Open your mouth with admirable purpose and intent.

Seeing rightness at your side
does not equate to right speech.
Have your facts.
Build your argument.
Know your mind.
But above all, know your purpose.
Therein lies all the choice.
All the responsibility.
All the possibility.
If you want my respect,
Toss the hostility,
Examine the situation objectively.
Choose words according to purpose.

When you find them, may I borrow some?
Because this shit is hard.

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