Sunday, April 13, 2014

Calling-a stream of consciousness ponderance


People often talk about The Call.
What do they hear?
Hey you!
No, the other one! Yeah you! What the fuck mate?

I long to hear that distinct calling: one that compels you forward on a path of belief,
Of trust,
Of value.
Of respect for yourself and for others.
One where you feel warmth after a rough day.
One where you can see the same self-worth reflected back in the eyes of another person.

How good is  your hearing?
Will you hear The Call when it beckons?
Or will you miss it?

An indifferent world keeps right on spinning whether you stop to heed that call when it comes or not.
Sorry-the Universe does not have voicemail.
It lacks email.
Cares not for time schedules.
Perhaps though, some solace can be found that in this existence: The Call keeps right on going, too.

Miss it?
Wait for the echo.

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