Sunday, February 9, 2014

Getting It Done

Ever have those days where you feel unstoppable? You just keep checking stuff off that incredibly long list of to-get-done-today until you realize there is nothing left on the list? I had one of those days yesterday.
I had to do two hours of essays, some chores around here, taxes *groan, and even a bit of fun stuff.
I absolutely love to-get-done lists. They make me feel so accomplished. It's ridiculous I know, but just crossing something as small as "check library status for book club selection" fills me with a gleeful thrill.
My preferred method of spending free time. Yes, reading goes on my to-get-done list every weekend.

I like to begin with the chores. I find it far easier to get through with all other stuff on my list if my house is in order. It also helps pass the time while coffee brews if I have dishes to do or laundry to sort.
Slay the dishwasher monster first. Then appease the coffee monster. It's a natural progression.

My favorite part though was making some jewelry. A few weeks ago, my niece asked me to lengthen a charm bracelet for her. It was about 1/2 an inch too short, so I said yes. I measured her wrist, measured the bracelet, and proceeded to go get my haircut after which I went bead shopping. When I got home though, the bracelet was not on the table where I left it. I checked my pockets just to see if I inadvertently slipped it into one of them. Nope. I looked on the floor thinking perhaps a feline had turned the bracelet into a toy. Nope. I called my stylist to see if I had dropped it in the salon. Nope. I checked my truck to see if it had dropped in the cab somewhere. Nope.
Total fail as an aunt. I'm still thinking felines were involved, but heck if I know what they did with that bracelet.
I also made a pin for a friend at work who has been very supportive of me. We've known one another since playground days and I love her mix of feisty with a splash of compassion personality. I think showing gratitude is really important especially when a friend puts herself out there for you.
Sometimes force is required.
Anyway, after ample swearing at the damned crimp beads, my jewelry endeavors resulted in these:

Hopefully my niece will accept the charm bracelet as my undying remorse for having lost the original and my colleague will appreciate the funky myth pin. 

I even cleaned up my jewelry  making mess when I was done. As I said, unstoppable I was.

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