Sunday, January 26, 2014

Beads and Wires Bring the Funky Magic

My sister's birthday is coming soon. I have some fun socks for her per our tradition of exchanging odd footwear. However, I felt I needed something more. Consequently, I broke out the beads and wires from the hall closet where they've been stashed since summer time and viola! I create funky wearable art. The bead just above the halfway point says "peace." 
I haven't made jewelry in a while, mainly because I have been scheduled within an inch of my existence with too many jobs. Today though, I worked my two hours on essays, cleaned the house, finished a book and started another when the old creative mind started plotting a necklace. Originally, it was going to be purple, but I realized I lacked the purple beads I thought I had. My sister probably has plenty of purple jewelry from me anyway, so turquoise is a strong alternative both in terms of available supplies and my knowledge of her wardrobe tastes.
Perhaps having a more relaxed schedule and state of mind is good for the creative energies. It felt good to have an impulse to create as well as have the time to devote to such endeavors. I hope she likes it.

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