Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Problem Solved

Earth's salt, dissolve in water,
Fire's light, spark the air,

Inhabitants alive and dormant in the northern realm,
All those of the element earth.
In my circle as in life, I welcome stability and nourishment.
(light candle of the north)

Inhabitants alive and dormant in the eastern realm,
All those of the element air.
In my circle as in life, I welcome creativity and intellect.
(light candle of the east)

Inhabitants alive and dormant in the southern realm,
All those of the element fire.
In my circle as in life, I welcome strength and passion.
(light candle of the south)

Inhabitants alive and dormant in the western realm,
All those of the element water.
In my circle as in life, I welcome intuition and love.
(light candle of the west)

Sun and moon,
beautiful celestial wonders:
Life giver,
rest provider,
join your equal forces with me here this night.

Celebration of the Moon

Glowing lunar lantern,
silvery, feminine, soft.
Your presence affects us all.
Pock-marked, cold, perfect,
subject of myth, fantasy, and study.
You provide balance to the fiery sun,
and thus provide balance to my life.
I marvel at the moon,
I revel in the moon,
I frivol by the moon.

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