Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Moon, New Year, and a Goat

If you do not know, today is New Year's Day. It's also a New Moon. Furthermore, the moon is in Capricorn. Last month the moon was in Gemini. Now it's in Capricorn. No wonder I've been feeling a lot of confusing energy lately with those as my sun and moon signs.
Cosmological explanation aside, I have been feeling a lot of confusing and conflicting emotions that I simply have not known what to do with for a while. Since it is the New Year, I decided to do something I have not done in a long time: write my own ritual.
I must give credit where credit is due. I borrow heavily form Scott Cunningham in my design as he was the first and most influential mentor on my pagan path. However, I also studied D. J. Conway thanks to a gift from my hubby some moons ago. Her rituals are wonderful jumping off points, but I found them to be far too rigid and heavy with the dogma. I most definitely needed to scale back on some of what she offered. If I wanted that much "must do" and "recite that," I'd still be attending church at the Cathedral.
Anyway, with a New Year starting off under the effect of my Goat, I thought this would be a lovely way to reconnect and refresh. I had not previously written my own New Moon ritual nor am I a consistent New Moon practitioner, but it was needed. Some may think all religion is rubbish, and I tend to agree to a point. However, ritual has a place. Mine just involves more candles, incense, and drumming than some other rituals like how one brushes his or her teeth or how one gets ready to face the day.
I can tweak this ritual for any New Moon I want. I love that. I also loved taking the time to do a little personal research as well as a little inspired writing for my own purposes.
Here's to 2014: may it be a year of all that is good about this wild ride called life.

Cast circle
Call corners
Spirits of the northern realm, all those ruled by the element earth, I call you forth to witness and protect this circle. I ask you to banish all disruptions set in my body so that my journey remains unfettered.
Spirits of the eastern realm, all those ruled by the element air, I call you forth to witness and protect this circle. I ask you to banish all disruptions set in my mind so that my journey remains unfettered.
Spirits of the southern realm, all those ruled by the element fire, I call you forth to witness and protect this circle. I ask you to banish all disruptions set in my spirit so that my journey remains unfettered.
Spirits of the western realm, all those ruled by the element water I call you forth to witness and protect this circle. I ask you to banish all disruptions set in my emotions so that my journey remains unfettered.

Call the Lord and Lady
Darkened Goddess and God, hidden from light,
I invite you in this New Moon night.

Earth, air, water, fire
Elements of universal sway,
I call on you to bless this way.
Take what's mine and bring it higher.

Lord of Sun and Lady of Moon,
Spirits of celestial wonder,
I call on you to bless this hunger,
Take what's mine and bring it in tune.

Make a list of all that is not working in my life. Ponder all change and actions that no longer serve my purpose. Hold the list over the flame in the cauldron and say:

As another year begins, under a Capricorn moon,
I summon all energies within and around me.
I call you forth in this circle as I release all that hinders and binds me.
Take them away, never to return.

Make a list of all that I want to draw into my life. Ponder all actions that renew and fulfill me. Hold them over the fire and say:

Begin this year, with surefooted guidance,
I call upon all energies within and around  me,
Lead me to compassion, love, contentment, and creativity.
Through the dark, let goodness and joy burn.

Simple Feast
Close circle

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