Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Naming of Deities

I've been grappling with writing my own full moon ritual, and I cannot seem to satisfy the calling of the quarters and the deities. This is part of my whole examination of spirituality that crops up every once in a while. I feel connected during ritual practice, and it keeps me grounded in the rest of my life. However, I really don't believe in gods or goddesses per se. I really don't believe in one great creator or even a few great creators, but I still want the ritual for what it provides. How do I call them to circle without all the connotation of the typical terminology that I do not accept? This poem is the brain jam stream-o-consciousness ramblings as I ruminated tonight.

The Naming of Deities

By what name do I call you?
God simply does not fit,
for I cannot muster the belief within me-
to offset the doubt that name implies.

So what name do I call you?
Goddess is not right either.
In my mind, you are not female alone-
therefore my quandary to suggest gender.

How can I wrap up that sense of knowledge,
that sense of humility before the expanse of the cosmos,
that sense of acceptance that I do not know everything-
into one word or phrase?

Earth vibrates with life,
an intricate web of biology and chemistry,
of love and hate,
of peace and war.

What name do I call you?
Power lacks empathy;
I will have none of that hierarchy thank you.
I suppose that eliminates Lord and Lady, too.

I am a part of this corporeal existence.
I am a part of this community of life.
Whatever I call you, I am a part of you,
and you are a part of me.

I suppose I shall wait to just know it when I know it.

God I hate waiting.

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