Saturday, April 16, 2016

Oral Fixations

I used to have terrible nightmares that my teeth were loose and falling out. I haven't had one of those in a while thank goodness. I used to think I was just terrified about losing my teeth, but then I began reading about interpretation of such recurrent dreams. I realized that I had even larger issues to resolve. If you're not familiar with teeth dreams, they can relate to everything from money, to embarrassment, to lack of power issues. All sorts of connections depending on what is going on in your life at the time. I think mine usually had to do with anxiety and not speaking up for myself. As I said though, I haven't had one of those dreams in a while. I do however, worry about losing my teeth still.
Losing teeth as a kid was way more fun.

A major reason I worry about losing them is due to my grinding. I am awful with the TMJ and the bruxism. Even with all my relaxation techniques and whatnot, I still grind. I am better about not clenching during the day now so my dentist no longer suggests that I wear my bite splint during the day, but my clenching and grinding has cost me some teeth. I have lost one altogether and I have several others that are repaired to the max with fillings and crowns. Since I cannot seem to stop the bruxism entirely, I resign myself to the knowledge that I may lose more teeth to breakage, cracks, and chips.
Yup. That'll be my gums when my teeth are gone.

I also have lupus and Sjogren's. While lupus itself is not associated with teeth trouble, some medications for lupus can make dental health worrisome. People with lupus like myself often get mouth ulcers or recurrent canker sores, or ulcerated and cracked spots on the corners of our mouths. The fun ones are the weird blisters that don't hurt, but then you randomly run your tongue over one and it explodes liquid into your mouth. Gross. I know.
Even Buffy can't take it.

The Sjogren's though dries out the mouth so much that cavities become a real problem. Even with brushing, flossing, and rinsing, tartar build up, gingivitis-induced bleeding gums, and an increase in cavities are real problems. Those over the counter hydrating things like Biotene are not terribly effective in my experience. Drinking plenty of water helps, but then you also have to make plenty of trips to the bathroom.
Chamber pots: my next collectible.

I take oral hygiene seriously. I brush twice daily with a preservative free toothpaste to help prevent mouth sores. I floss; usually twice daily if not more. I rinse--usually with a non-alcohol kind of oral rinse like Listerine Zero. I drink a lot of water and avoid overly sugary foods. I see my dentist regularly. I wear a bite splint at night. Even with all of this attentiveness, I still had tartar every damn time I went to the dentist. I still had the occasional cavity. I still had ulcers, sores, and bleeding gums. It was truly discouraging and I felt like my teeth would just crumble one by one until I was left without any option other than dentures at an early age.
And they're off!

Then I heard about oil pulling. Seriously. Listen. Reserve judgment. Even WebMD recognizes the benefit of oil pulling for dental health. It's an ancient practice that some folks believe is a cure all for things like cancer and migraines (total rubbish), but small studies have demonstrated that oil pulling can whiten teeth, reduce halitosis, and improve overall oral health. I've been oil pulling well over a year now. My teeth are whiter despite my love of coffee and red wine. My breath is fresher for the whole day. I have some decalcification spots on my teeth that have apparently stopped worsening and actually show signs of improvement. My gums don't bleed anymore. I have not had canker sores, sores on the corners of my mouth, nor have I had those icky blisters. My dentist, who I've seen ever since I was old enough to need a dentist, has complimented me for the last 3 visits. He never complimented me on my teeth before. My teeth aren't as sensitive to heat or cold like they once were either.
That's right, Cheshire. I'm giving you a run for your money on best smiles.

A spoonful of coconut oil for 5-15 minutes of swishing every day has reversed some dental issues and greatly improved some I was not even worried about. I've never really cared about whitening my teeth for example. The mouth sores, bleeding gums, and dry mouth though? Oil pulling has really helped; no issues in the time that I've been pulling. I feel more hopeful that my teeth might last a bit longer than I used to think. I don't fret about dentures or worry that I can't eat acidic foods since it'll hurt those canker sores. My gums are a healthy pink now. If I slip up and go the weekend without pulling, the gums start bleeding. It only takes two or three days for my mouth to revert to its less than ideal state. I must be consistent. I must be vigilant. It's definitely one of those alternate or complimentary therapies that I will continue to use and recommend to others--especially those people who have oral health concerns. It's truly worth the time and effort.
Scariest giff I've seen yet.

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