Sunday, April 3, 2016

Thank You Spring for Getting Me off the Couch

I know what you're thinking: Two blog posts in two days? What is she doing? Madness! Well, I got a little off my routine during spring break. I owed a post for last week, which went up yesterday. So today's post gets me back on my usual schedule.
Thank you. Thank you. 

It's finally spring in the northern realm. It's about 70 degrees, sunny, gentle breeze at times, and a ton of singing birds. Staying inside was not an option today. I had to go for a walk.
My body has been rather frustrated since the neck surgery and herniated discs. For months after the discs started pinching nerves, I couldn't do much in the way of arm work. Instead, I did a ton of squats. Every kind of squat you could think of, I did it. So many squats, so little burpees, tricep dips, or push ups. *sigh
Ok, so I went up. Now what? Down eh? Did that, too. For the love of all that is holy, I need more! 

My body needed some physical exercise dammit! Months of nothing was annoying. Today felt good to roam around the neighborhood. I zigged and I zagged. I listened and I looked. It was lovely. It felt good to get out and do some kind of exercise. I've been allowed to walk as exercise since December, but here in Montana, walking in winter can be lovely, but it is also cold and risky. While I was still in the neck brace and even for a long time after it was off, I didn't want to walk outside because slipping on ice meant potentially damaging my slow healing neck. I think I have also explained why a treadmill was not an option for me to exercise, but in case you've forgotten, here ya go:
You can't make me!

I know that people can see me out for a walk, too, but it's not the same thing. No mirrors for one. Also, people who see me while I'm out for a walk are usually too preoccupied with their own task that they won't make me anxious as I get my walk on.
I'm also finally able to do some more light strength training items again. When I got the go ahead to start working out in January, I did the Diary of a Fit Mommy's 12 Week No-Gym Home Workout Plan-not the cardio portion mind you; I stuck to the squat, crunch, lunge etc. In order to start getting some physical activity as I recovered, I had to modify it though. I was not allowed to do traditional push ups nor I was allowed to do traditional sit ups. Consequently, I skipped the push ups until March. Then I started doing wall push ups. For sit ups and crunches, I do them standing. I still don't do the planks though. I found that if I do them, the incision site gets cranking. It's like a bunch of bee stings or needle sticks. Not pleasant.
In March, I also added one day a week of The Firm Hi-Def Sculpt DVD. I had not done this DVD in years and I can't do the crunches at the end of the routine without modification, so I don't know how helpful that is, but it doesn't bother me. I am just glad to be able to start toning again! Before things went south with the herniated discs, I had lovely, sculpted arms. Those lovely arms have been neglected for months. Time to whip them back in shape!
Now that it is April, I have added a squat challenge as well. It's the easy beginner challenge on the blog My Fitness Pal. It's a simple one, but I'm still doing the Fit Mommy in the morning and this one in the afternoon. After not doing squats from November to January, my hind quarters could use the extra attention.
I've also added my Body by Science 12 minute, one time a week back in. On this one, I can't do the arm hang, so I do free weights in an overhead press. I also do the wall push-ups instead of regular push ups. This is something I was doing faithfully one time a week before my herniated discs made it impossible. Essentially, I do super slow and controlled exercises for 3 minutes each. Slow overhead presses, slow wall pushups, doorway squat/wall sit, and doorway arm press (think floating arm trick with a bit more force). What I really like about this one is the chance to do some mindful breathing. The more mindful breathing I do, the less focused on the agony my muscles endure during this activity I am. Today I did this for the first time since August-September. I'm likely going to feel it in the morning. But it's efficient, effective, and something that I can do at home with only my cats to judge me.
Link thinks rolling in the dirt is a better workout, so maybe he's not he best judge.

Maybe I'm adding in too much all at once. I feel great today, though. I love the feeling that I can finally be active again. Couch-surfing gets old. My body grew bored; it needed a jolt. My butt needs to be firmed up. My triceps need to be worked. It took me a long time to find a work out plan that toned without being too demanding. It's tough when you've got a bunch of autoimmune conditions that complicate your physical ability. My body and I worked hard to get back in tune with one another after the lupus, Sjogren's, and fibromyalgia diagnoses. It's going to take some time this go around, too. We'll get there though. If it's too much, my body will let me know.

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