Sunday, April 9, 2017

Memes and Me

My seniors are studying humor right now. We've been looking mostly at satire and parody. We've watched Saturday Night Live, we've read Onion articles, we've watched Michel Jackson's "Beat It" and Weird Al's "Eat It". We've also studied Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice as well as the Emma Thompson's adaption of Sense and Sensibility. Now, we're poised to read Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. We've had fun, and I hope they enjoy the book as much as I did. They're seniors. They've earned a little levity in their final quarter of high school. I know I still have a sense of humor despite my recent reaction to a stupid meme online.
Image result for facepalm
 I know, Doctor. It's possible to just scroll on by, and yet...

I was annoyed. My friend, who I know has more conservative views than mine, commented, "Ha ha! Good one." Rationally, I know that memes are the lowest form of commentary and do not encourage thoughtful discourse. I know that to be vexed by a meme is ridiculous. I know it should roll off my back like so much spring snow water. But it took a while to calmly consider the stupid thing. Thing is, memes that attack liberal and conservative views really don't help anyone's position or cause. They often have simplistic terms and inaccuracies. I know these things, and yet I was pursing my lips and ready to assert my retort to that meme. 
Image result for goat
Yes, Goat. I know. You're right as always. Let it be and move on.

Instead of reacting, I went and got myself some more coffee. I made a grocery list. I started some laundry. All good things to distract my attention away from the hideous meme that completely misrepresents liberals and the concept of pro choice. As I was busily scrubbing the kitchen counter, I thought about a scene in "Game of Thrones" that we had watched recently. Arya was watching a group of players perform a crude satire of the previous seasons of the show. They had Cersei and Joffrey and Tyrion all made to look like caricatures rather than the real people they are on the show. Tons of fart jokes, too. The dramatized version was of course pointing out their foibles and their vices and holding a mirror up to nature in an exaggerated comedic way. Arya was laughing right along with the portrayals of Lannisters, but when the character representing her father as a bumbling buffoon came out, her smile dropped and she was sullen and uncomfortable. The play was fine until it got too close to home.
Image result for caricature
Yes, Rachel, I get it. The joke's on me.
BTW, even your caricature looks intelligent.

If one were to draw parallels, the GoT episode showed early satire. Sometimes, we are too close to the subject to find the humor right away. Sometimes we never do. However, taking time to process and think through before reacting and attacking, is probably a good thing. I suppose the fact that I can take down every aspect of that silly meme that misrepresents what I consider my defining beliefs and social consciousness is largely irrelevant. I suppose I can see why someone who doesn't agree with me might point out those things they see as inconsistency or as they might see it, ironic contradictions in the liberal viewpoints. However, it's so ridiculous and completely misses the mark of pointing out the criticisms that it's not even good satire. Humor is best when it rings with truth. Since this meme doesn't really ring true, it's not that funny. Geez, if this is the way conservatives really see liberals, then we've got even a longer road to journey toward working together than I thought. What was the meme that so got me thinking and cleaning with a passion? I'm glad you asked.
Image result for liberals pro choice meme
No, really. That's it. I'm sure someone could satirize my reaction far better than this meme satirizes liberals.

Now, let's just acknowledge the fact that liberals are not against choice on any of these points. Liberals still believe in self-determination and a person's right to send a kid to a private school or to own a handgun or trade with reasonable countries or to select the right healthcare and energy and smoking (although really, why would you want to still?) and to decline membership in a union and light bulbs (WTF on that one actually) and plastic bags and shopping at Walmart and eating food that is bad for you or genetically modified in some way. 
Image result for freedom
Yes! So do I. 

However, when that choice means taking public funds away from public schools, no. That's not right and it undermines the point of public education especially since outcomes have yet to prove any of the school choice claims out there. What they do do is reinforce segregation. Guns? Have one; go for it! However, know that gun ownership in my state is associated with our outrageous suicide rate. Easier access means effective suicide methods. Who needs military grade weapons anyway? Liberals aren't for outlawing all guns, but sensible restrictions are absolutely important. Healthcare is a human right and having healthcare for everyone makes us a better society and it keeps the insurance companies honest. You don't want health insurance, don't buy it. However, realize that the more people who do reduce the costs everyone. Energy? Well if we're talking freedom of choice in energy then let's talk about energy companies who try and keep citizens from using solar energy for their home or windmills to power their home or collect rain water to get off the city water systems. But no. Utility companies don't like people being independent and reducing dependence on their product. Gotta keep that bottom line turning a profit. Smoking? Well, honestly. I quit that as have many people and I don't know too many people who miss going into a restaurant having to cough through the tobacco plumes in order to eat a meal or have a pint with their chums. Really? This is about as weak a point as light bulbs FFS. As for unions, well nobody forces you into a union. Workplaces vote on unions. And if you don't want to be in the union, don't! However, don't expect the benefits of the union without paying into it. Furthermore, can we all just recognize the good that unions have done? Eliminating child labor and improving safe working conditions and the weekend? No? Did you forget those? Then there are plastic bags. Well, I am still working on this. I do recycle all the bags that my husband brings home because he hasn't gotten int the habit of reusable bags the way I have. However, if people would also take a look at that enormous pile of floating plastic that is in the Pacific Ocean right now, maybe they'd change their tune. Maybe if they'd look inside the stomachs of sea creatures and see the death toll that our convenience is taking on the animals of the earth that we are supposed to be stewards for, maybe they'd change their tune. As an English major, I have to wonder who our Dickens will be. We need some strong literary figures to provide a narrative that points out the foibles of our consumption and greed. Do I shop at Walmart? Maybe twice a year. Our big camping trip once a year, yes. I can get all of our camping needs in one place. If we had a Target that had a grocery department, I'd gladly shop there. But we don't. I think Walmart represents what is worst in our consumer and labor practices. As for food: WTH? No one is saying to stop eating what you want. All we're saying is think before you eat. All we want is to hold the companies accountable since they have proven to put us at risk in the past. Saccharin anyone? Have any of these people seen the conditions in some large scale livestock yards? Have they looked at the process of how their food ends up in the grocery store? Some of the practices are appalling and unethical. But I suppose no one wants to look that closely at things. No one wants to admit the awful practices and effect humans have wrought on the creatures and the earth.
But ya know? Let's just reduce it to a catchy little cartoon that completely misrepresents the opposite viewpoints. 

Of course, one just has to wonder what would happen if the tables were turned. Conservatives are pro life until that baby is born and his/her mom needs food stamps to survive or that refugee needs shelter or that soldier has to go into combat to protect an industry like oil that is outdated and unsustainable. Conservatives are pro gun until that means granting a weapon to someone of Arabic descent. Even those with mental instability can now get guns, but someone with brown skin better not look sideways. Freedom of choice is great until you're a woman who needs birth control to manage heavy bleeding and your employer says that their freedom of religion is more important than your freedom to manage your health. Freedom of religion is for everyone until you're a Muslim who wants to open a Mosque. They're fiscally responsible until they want to build a wall to keep those pesky Mexicans out never mind the fact that it won't work!
You and me both, Snoopy.

But these oversimplify and divide the the participants. These arguments aren't funny and shouldn't be reduced to a meme. But this is where we are right now. I know what I know. They know what they know. Memes just don't cover it all. I have to hope that my friends who read them don't really think that about me just because I am a liberal. I have to try not to think in those terms about them. If anything, I can laugh at myself and my reaction to such a ridicules thing. Somehow though, we have to find a way through this without alienating and exacerbating the problems we already have. 
Image result for moose walking
Here's hoping, Moose. 

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