Sunday, May 14, 2017

Slug Life

Yesterday I awoke bursting with energy. I got up, made coffee, cleaned the kitchen, and started a host of chores that had been neglected for weeks. I felt really good. I made a grocery list and had plans to start work on a crafty project I had been delaying. It was glorious. Then it hit. The fatigue rammed into me and commanded that I sit down. My head swam with the fog so I couldn't concentrate and man I needed a nap. Shit! Didn't even make it to noon on my energy reserves. You see, if you've been wondering why I haven't been posting consistently (you probably haven't) it is because lupus has been kicking my ass lately.
Image result for goat
 I know, Goat. All that magnificent energy wasted on goddamn chores. 

I wrote previously about starting Benlysta. The irony here is that Benlysta is supposed to ease fatigue. For me though, this adjustment period has been nothing but overwhelming fatigue. They tell me this won't last. Of course, I had the added bonus of a cold last week. Thanks immune-suppressing drugs. You rock!
Even Kramer says so; therefore, it must be true.

Part of what makes fatigue like this so vexing is all the things I've had to cancel. Fatigue does that; makes you cancel plans. I have missed two weeks of  belly dance class. I had to bow out of one night of the talent show at school because I just couldn't do one more night. My head was fogged, my energy was tanked, and my muscles were trembling. Not so much with the performing for sure! I had to decline an invitation to lunch with a grade school chum who was in town for the afternoon. Thankfully, she's a doctor so she knows what lupus can do. I had to stay home instead of hanging out at a belly dance festival over the weekend. I've missed 4 days of school now in the last two weeks. It's been grand.
That's right Kelly Anne: I just gave alternative facts. At least my alternative facts don't have international ramifications. 

This recent bout of autoimmune bullshit has also made it clear just how much I really need to change my eating habits back to the low carb avoid the grains eat the veggies plan I had been on. Of course, when you feel like crap and your husband also has autoimmune disorders, some nights neither of you can work that hard at cooking. So you order in, which around here is very limited: sub sandwiches, pizza, or Chinese. All of which are loaded with bad stuff. *sigh* 
OK screaming celery stick. I'm working on it.

I have spent a lot of time on the sofa though. I've binged through season 3 of Salem and I'm 2/3 through season 10 of Bones. When the lupus is in charge, reading is out of the question. I can't comprehend the words and that's frustrating. I'm also too tired to concentrate on anything that demanding, so Netflix is my only out...except for Diablo. My witch doctor is through to the torment levels now. She can just waltz into a crap ton of bad guys and hit the haunt or the locust swarm and wait until they all die. It's ridiculously easy. 

For someone who runs around with so much flesh unprotected, she's got amazing powers of hit recovery.

Unfortunately, all this extra time also means I have a chance to surf the headlines in my newsfeed about our current administration. During those precious moments of lucidity, I have read a few articles detailing how Sally Yates testified so professionally and how poor James Comey was unceremoniously dismissed (Seriously? He learned about it on a news banner as he was giving a speech? Chicken shit tangerine shart!). I'm also eager to learn of the next big step in healthcare reform since lupus is one of those pesky preexisting conditions. I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't have a stupid preexisting condition. I can't imagine that the upper 1% don't have their fair share either, but of course they have the means to handle the financial consequences without the subsidies or Medicaid. Why can't we just do the single payer plan? Why can't we give Medicaid to all? It'd be so much easier. After all, the Idiot in the White House even praised Australia's health care plan. Honestly, the man is such a cocktool!
 I know, Lisa. I do the same damn thing every time I read a headline.

Alas! Here I sit on  the same sofa I've been riding since Thursday. I have to go to work tomorrow. Hopefully I won't run out of steam by noon. I hate having jelly for brains. When you're a teacher, that's fairly prohibitive to the job. I have less than a month of school. My next treatment is the day after school is out. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this dammit!
Image result for moose
I know, Moose. Pace myself. I know.

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