Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pissed List

I'm just going to be honest. I've spent the better part of my week in my grumpy pants. It's been a rough week. I've had 5 days of active migraine pain. Needless to say, I've been grouchy. Without further ado, here  goes my pissed list.
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Yeah, running away is a good idea, Goat.

People Blaming The School District For Not Being Clear Enough About The Levy
First of all, screw you. There were newscasts, op ed pieces, letters to the editor, two sparsely attended community informational meetings, board meetings every two weeks, and canvasing of the neighborhoods. There was also a lovely presentation  and explanation on the district website. Without the businesses jumping on board for the district, we did all we could to spell it out simply. If you are going to blame the district for not explaining the importance enough, I must ask what did you do to educate yourself? Did you attend any  of those meetings or visit the website? Did you watch the news, read  the paper, or ask one of the 1,000 employees about it? We were the only AA district that didn't pass their levy that day. Pretty clear message that this town does not support their schools. Good luck getting teachers or other professionals to move here with that knowledge. This vote will do nothing  to encourage young people to stay or to move here. Our community will continue to age.
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Our district asking for support is not unlike this guy. We explain, but it's as futile as calling for Bueller.

I'm Sick Of Rushing Through Things Because I Don't Know How Much Movement I Can Get In Before I Am Laid Out In Pain
I move quickly and sometimes clumsily (Thanks Lamictal). When my head is in its firestorm of rage, it almost always gets worse when I move around, which means even going to the bathroom is a challenge. It's been exhausting  moving so quickly like I'm trying to meet a deadline in a  newsroom. Trying to jam all the things into the one window before it closes is stressful, and when you're supposed to avoid stress, it's a vicious cycle. Get it done. Get it right. Get back to rest. Repeat when able.
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Gee thanks, Jeff.

I Resent Having To Push Through Work With Pain Because I Can't Call Off
I had pain start Tuesday. Ordinarily, I'd have stayed home Wednesday and likely managed things well enough too return Thursday. But not this week. I had a meeting on both Wednesday and Thursday so I had to slog through and stay home Friday, which makes our office staff thrilled because it's spring sports season and they really don't want non-athletic folk calling off on Fridays. Tough shit. After waking up three days in a row in pain and having to down a triptan and then move slowly only to then have the pain rage back in, I was toast Friday and not going to accommodate anyone but myself. Having to push through the pain only makes things ten times worse. I really want to punch people who say to do that. They clearly have no concept  or compassion. They have no idea what it's like to have to prep for sub every day before you leave because you just don't know what the next day will bring.
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That's right. Fuck 'em all.

I'm Done With Fearing The Weather Report
Last week, we had a weather system with rain. Wouldn't ya know it? I got the pain. Yesterday, I was functional--only a 2 or so on the pain scale. Today, I looked at my phone for the weather and sure enough: rain storms. I used  to love storms; still do, but  now I have this fearful reaction to seeing those little rain  clouds with big 20 degree temperature variations. Seriously. Apprehension about the weather app. Fuckin' A.
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Think this would work?

Fed Up With  People Saying That Violent Video Games Cause Active Shooters
So it's easier  to blame video games than it is to talk about background checks and holding people accountable for when their kid has access to the guns without restriction? These people clearly don't want to hear the evidence that contradicts their narrative. While it has been shown that violent video games increase aggression, aggression and violence are not equal. Not only that, but the aggression that is seen passes quickly--one report I read said 15 minutes and things go back normal. I have experienced this kind of aggression. I couldn't get past this one challenge in Diablo III and I got angsty. I got frustrated. I got loud. But when I shut the machine down and found something else to do, the aggression lifted. I didn't go out and try to hurt an actual person. It's not any more a video game's fault than violence  from explicit lyrics led to  Satanism in the 80s. How's about we talk about white male privilege and taking out their beef with the girl who rejected them along with as many others as possible? This situation is way the fuck more complicated than a goddamned game.
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C'mon. I mean, Jason  didn't have violent video games and look what he did.
OK, maybe not the best example.

Beyond Vexed That My Hackles Are Always Raised When  I Hear About The Latest Crap Storm In Washington
There are two choices really: put your head in the sand or get outraged at every  news cycle. I saw an analysis of how media has changed since Watergate and why nothing is being done about the Mango Mussolini. Our ready access and consumption of media makes it easier to get information, but it also makes  it easier to get the wrong information. With so many ways to get news and so many outlets that just fan the flames, it makes it hard to know what's what. People used to trust the evening news because everyone was getting the same information. But now, those who support the Pumpkin Pimple get skewed and horrifically spun news (it works both ways I realize, but wait). It makes it hard for other Republican leaders to hold the Peach Poopstain accountable because to do so jeopardizes their reelection possibilities. Don't want to annoy their constituents who believe what their biased "news" reports say. They'd rather serve a master they don't respect or agree with? That's not right. Holding onto their power is worth trading  their values? They deserve to lose their position if that's true.
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...elected officials would actually do what is best for  their country and its people.

There you have it. My  pissed list. I'd like to think that venting all that angst will release  the tension and pressure in my head, but I'm not that naive. I'm going to finish this blog and go lie down. I'm going to avoid the news, moving around too much, and thinking about work tomorrow. Maybe I'll curl up with  Anthony Bourdain season 8 of Parts Unknown with an ice pack behind my head, a cup of ginger tea, and at least one cat on my lap.
Image result for moose sleeping
You and me both, Moose.

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