Sunday, September 23, 2018

Second Harvest...

...unless you are my broccoli in which case it is fourth harvest for you. Mabon: one of my favorites of the year. I love all things fall, so now that it's officially here I am thrilled. Bring on all the lovely Mabon trimmings I say.
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I prefer autumn instead of fall too, Goat.

We went to the grocery store to start things off. We got some autumn-y things like cider. We're prepping some of our favorite autumn meals like pork chops and carmelized onion and cabbage or stuffed acorn squash. We had butternut squash soup with pastrami sandwiches. Yummy comfort food season has begun.
YouTube Mr. Sunday Movies
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Right there with ya, Thor.

In the afternoon, we went for a short walk. It was still warm enough outside that a coat wasn't necessary. I felt a crispness in the air and caught the earthy scent that is distinctly autumn. The sun was sitting lower in the sky to let you know it was autumn. The trees in the neighborhood were gorgeous, too. The maples all had the variety of colors on the leaves all the way from green to plum red. Lovely.
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Totally want to join you there, Hedgehog.

With the help of my husband, I put up my Halloween town. It's a ritual I engage in every Mabon. It's a major undertaking, so I like having it up from Mabon through Samhain. It's getting quite expansive mind you. I broke down and bought a large folding table for it and I still needed the smaller dining table for it all to fit and not be overly crowded. I will need another power strip, too. My gracious husband repaired some of the broken pieces and even got one up and running again.It hasn't run for over a decade.
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My husband gets all the applause.

The lighting of the Halloween village is always followed by the annual viewing of Nightmare Before Christmas. It's one of those films that I can say almost every line as we watch it. We both have our favorite lines and my husband would really like to be Dr. Finkelstein. I think Shock would be fun.
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And this is what I say every time there's a rabbit in our yard.

Today I spent some time in the garden and in the kitchen. I made some chocolate zucchini bread/cake. I'm sending a loaf to our nephew who is a freshman in college. I also made some zucchini pancakes. The rest of the zucchini is drying a bit and shall be frozen for future use. Probably in more bread/cake because that stuff is friggin' delicious. I left one zucchini out though as we have zoodle and meatballs this week.
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This has nothing to do with food. 
It's solely for the cuteness.

From the garden I pulled more broccoli, a cauliflower, some sweet onions, romas, cherry tomatoes, and the cutest, tiniest jalapenos you've ever seen. I took about 10 acorn squash out and some Anaheim peppers, too. The Hubbards shall stay for now as they are enormous and I just don't know where to put them. I'm not sure what happened to all the butternuts though. I counted about two dozen at Lammas, but now there were only three that I could locate. I think some of our furry visitors have developed a liking for unripened butternuts.
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Yeah. I'm looking at you, Deer. 
I saw your droppings in the butternuts patch.

As the days get shorter and the darkness grows, I am eager and excited for the transition to continue on to Samhain. I love the warm socks, the comfy sweaters, the warm teas, and the candles to light the house in the evenings. I love the sunsets, the crunch of leaves, and the smell of woodburning stoves and firepits in the backyards. This is quite simply my favorite time of the year.
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Hope to see you in Yellowstone this autumn, Moose.

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