Sunday, April 29, 2012



Cleanse the space and place a rosy pink cloth on the altar.  Adorn with flowers of all kinds.  Place a rosy pink candle for the ritual light.  Have a red and a white candle as well anointed with lavender.  Carve a symbol for the Goddess on the red and a God symbol on the white.  Set on altar on the appropriate sides of the space.  Maybe drink a fruit infused tea for preparation of self.  Have a sparkling wine—apple is a Goddess symbol here—and some luscious berries and creamy cheeses for the Simple Feast.  Once all is set, begin.

Cast circle
Blessing Chant
            Creative energies of Mother Earth,
            Join together with the Lady of the Moon,
            The Hunter of the Land,
            Spirits of the elemental realms,
            Within the sacred stones
            Bless this place, this time and I who am with you.
                        (adapted from S. Cunningham)
Invoke the Goddess and the God
            Mistress of love and fertility, I call upon you Maiden!  Be with me on this Beltane night.  Light the red candle.
            Champion of the forest and land, I call upon you Sun God!  Be with me in Beltane’s light.   Light the white candle.

Prayer of Beltane
Fearless Maiden of the Forest, explore in solitude spring’s path before you.
Youthful Lord of the sun wanders alone until May’s trail turns true.
Together your paths weave on sacred course.
A union blessed and consummated
Brings forth Earth’s fertile celebration of life!

These two are one and one is all,
In Beltane’s fire, passions rise and fall,
United with you, at creation’s ball,
By the law of three, so mote we be!

Simple Feast
Joyous Maiden fill this wine with your love,
Blazing Lord instill in this fruit your desire,
In the name of Maiden and Sun I bless this feast!

Release circle
           Enjoy the Great Rite with someone you love and revel in the beauty of the act of lovemaking as it is sacred, creative, and blessed. 

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