Sunday, December 15, 2013

Moment of Clarity

Into the darkness, we must go;
to emerge in the light again.

No that's it. That's my moment of clarity for tonight.
I feel a breaking of the binds. I feel a loosening of the constriction.
I can't explain why,
but it feels like a shift in the wind.

Literally. It's windy as all hell here lately with the Chinooks and all. It's been whipping up a lovely brouhaha in my noggin. I know others of my friends have felt it, too.

Did you know that the moon is in Gemini? The Geminid meteor shower was at its peak this weekend.
The wind and subsequent clouds prevented my viewing.

Anyway, I feel a gradual calm coming over me.
This time of year always brings a mixed bag. I love the evergreens in the house. I love the tree with multicolored lights. I love the music, but the introspection that comes with the darkness can be overwhelming.
I can feel the calm before the storm.
I can feel the light coming.
It is still there.

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