Sunday, January 24, 2016

Accepting Pink

Do you think it ridiculous to occasionally eat something that you know you don't like just to see if you still don't like it? It seems like a healthy pursuit to engage in the exercise of determining whether or not tastes change over time. You may find out that beets aren't that bad if prepared a certain way. Exploring potential shifts in tastes with food is easy, but what about long-standing dislikes of color? For the next few paragraphs, exploring a disdain for the color pink as it shifts toward possible acceptance shall be the focus.

1. Ice Cream: A lot of pink ice cream tastes good. Fresh strawberry, bubble gum, peppermint--these are all tasty. Bubble gum with the bits of gum in it that you place on a napkin until later sparks memories of childhood. Pink ice cream is totally acceptable.
Mmm, nomnomnom.

2. Kitty paws and noses: As a kid, drawing pictures of kitties involved making the ears and nose pink. The paw pads, too, were pink. An all white kitty with a pink nose just begs for cuddles. Truly, pink in the context of a kitty or other furry co-habitant just invokes the urge to snuggle.
Cuddle me now!

3. Pink Elephants on Parade: Does this need further explanation? It's a classic song in a Disney classic about being yourself and being accepted. True, this song is a little trippy and was probably drug-induced, but it's a favorite scene in the movie.
Sure you didn't bounce along and sing to the clip. I believe you.

4. Mr. Pink: C'mon, give it up for Steve Buscemi as Mr. Pink in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. He complains about being Mr. Pink for all the reasons that people may not appreciate pink. In doing so, he winds up proving why it's the name for him.
Don't mess with Pink:
 Mr. Pink: [rolling over and pulling out a gun] You wanna fuck with me? I'll show ya who you're fuckin' with! 

5. Rare steak: Face it, if a steak is not pink inside, you've ruined it. Medium rare is as done as a rib eye, tenderloin, or prime rib ever need be. Pink steak is drool-worthy.
Life needs more of this.

6. Blushing: Some people may be self-conscious about blushing, but it's one of the things that makes humans interesting. That moment in the hallway when the person you've been crushing on finally acknowledges your existence and you blush is a rite of passage to be celebrated.
Makes you all gooey and melty, doesn't it?

7. Thor: This may seem strange on the one hand, but Thor, who is known for his strength, apparently approves of pink. Thor, the Norse god of thunder and wielder of Mjolnir riding a pink Vespa is about the funniest thing ever. Juxtaposition points for this figurine's creator.
Well, if it has friction drive, it has everything.

8.  This photo: The contrast of her leaping in her pink against the mountain of grey crucifixes and rubble is astounding. The color captures the innocence of childhood bursting forth from among the detritus. It speaks to the resilience of spirit so necessary at times.
Just makes you want to cheer her on. See more from the photographer at this site.

9.  Sunsets: That moment as the sun sinks low to the horizon and casts a soft, pink hue across the sky. It relaxes the mind. It calms the mood. It captures attention until the sun draws that last bit of color down and away for the night.
Nature does pink right.

10. Under the Pink:  As far as sophomore albums go, this is one of the best. It's got a little of everything on it combined with Tori Amos' signature voice and lyrics. Track 2 offers sublime perceptions on the divine. Who isn't a Cornflake Girl? The jauntiness of The Wrong Band gives a bit of insight on universal awkwardness. Here's the whole album care of Youtube. 
It's just damn good music.

There you have it. Ten reasons why pink isn't just for little girls. Ten associations to help an adult who loathes the shade, grow to accept rather than revile. I suppose that just as this list endeavors to make pink more palatable, the formula for finding associations to overcome our prejudices and dislikes could also hold true. Next time you think of something that you detest, push yourself to find reasons it's not so bad. 

Unless it's Donald Trump. Always detest Donald Trump.


  1. No use of the Aerosmith song? Really?

      Steven Tyler in bunny ears is totally worth it.
