Sunday, September 24, 2017

Claiming My Witch

I've spent the better part of this week mulling over the idea of how I define being a witch. I've written on the topic in the past as my personal, spiritual connection evolved, but this time was different. I had a specific focus. I began this journey at Mabon as the wheel turned to the dark time of year when the Dark Goddess rules instead of the maiden. As I began lighting an incense and a candle every morning while I meditated. I began to define and identify my current witchy views.
Goat, Large, Horns, Fur, Hair, Rarely
Looks like you've had some insights too. Goat

Being Aware: As I walked through this week, I paid particular attention to the surroundings. I tried to soak up all the actions and words and sensations I moved through. I reflected on my dreams. I mulled over the statements I read and heard. I moved through it all with an awareness I've not given attention to for some time. To be aware you need to be aware of things within and outside of yourself; that includes all the circles from you outward to the stars. A witch sees beyond the end of their nose into the universe.
Image result for universe
Somewhere among the stars.

Listening: I think this one links up with being aware. However, it delves deeper. It asks not only that you acknowledge, but that you really try to listen even when it's uncomfortable to do so. Take the kerfuffle with the anthem and the football players. I think that the fact that people are uncomfortable is a good thing. I think that more and more players and coaches are speaking up shows that they are listening to each other and finding strength in their numbers. Rather than making it all about themselves, some fans are listening to words that they've never considered because they have not felt the injustices. Freedom of speech has no out of bounds like football does. It does not end where the sidelines begin. Listening to those most affected by the injustice is the way to go and if it takes reaching millions of Americans on their sacred Sunday past time, then hooray! You've got their attention now. Witches speak their truths.
Potion, Poverty, Misery, Sadness, Sdf
You might meet some interesting people along the way.

Confidence: My belly dance teacher is making us focus on poise this session. I'm totally fine with this as it has positively affected my posture. I am holding myself straighter, which is helping me strengthen that neck and core. I feel I command more attention when I move with authority through the hallways. There is something about holding your head high with your shoulders back that makes you feel empowered. I don't subscribe to my teacher's take on how being feminine means denying the overalls, sweats, or flannel; if that's what makes you happy, go to and live your truth. However, I do notice a boost to my own confidence regardless of what I wear. I will carry myself with the grace and confidence of who I am. Other witches will need to find their poise.
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Graceful confidence.

Nature: This one is two-fold. On the one hand, I feel compelled to spend time in nature. Whether it is sitting on the porch as my cats play in the yard, strolling through the neighborhood, or going camping. Taking time out to sit in nature is peaceful and at the core of being a witch.
 Along with that, respecting nature is also important. reducing dependence on fossil fuels, reducing use of plastics, and reducing water usage and waste seem ideal methods to respect nature. Respecting nature also happens when you don't do stupid things like throw fireworks that catch one of the most treasured areas in the Pacific Northwest on fire. Living with nature, not living above it. It goes to that idea of concentric circles again rather than some kind of leveled hierarchy with people on top. Witches witness nature; they do not seek to dominate it.
Image result for witch
To pass through without leaving so much as your footprints.

Personal growth: I think that spending time to reflect on your actions is essential. I think committing yourself to doing better the next day shows maturity and dedication to being the best version of yourself you can be. Spending time with your own thoughts and inquiring of your depths. Much as the Transcendentalists sought their personal growth and truths, so must a witch.
Witch, Female, Woman, Young, Beauty
Find yourself reflected in everything around you.

Mindful Practice: This level requires that you are aware and that you do listen. This goes one step further to infuse those ideas into your every day. Moving with purpose, listening to all the sounds around you, eating to enjoy and appreciate the food not just scarf it down, breathing deeply to hear your own heart--enjoy the time you are given in this life. Make time to live rather than exist. Make ritual of any kind part of your daily life so long as it keeps you present. You slow time down; you accomplish what needs done, and accept that it doesn't all wrap up neatly; you feel a deep gratitude for all things--you just find a peaceful, easy feeling that is part of being a witch.
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A little classic Eagles isn't out of the question.

Shun None: A news report came  out somewhere during the past year as we dealt with President Orange that witches nationwide were performing a binding spell on him. I do not like his politics. I do not like how he treats women or those with less power than him. I do not like much about this man at all. However, I am not much for binding or hexing spells. I think binding his proclivities for damaging everything he touches is tempting, but that seems a lot like saving him from himself. Besides, I don't think those spells do much more than prayer would, so why bother? However, it is easy for witches to feel superior  or smug just as any human can. Staying humble and mindful of ourselves provides a witch with respect for herself and the fortitude to allow others to do as they will as long as they harm none.
Halloween, Witch, Night, Full Moon
You do you, and I'll be me. K?

Connection to the Elements: With the elements, it's important to respect both the refreshing and the destructive aspects. With air, I love a cool breeze, but I also respect the power of the tornado. I enjoy a quick shower or dip in the lake when camping, but I also recognize the force of water in a hurricane. I spend time tilling the earth in my garden, but I also acknowledge how a quake tears down the cities. Campfires, candles, and fire pits captivate me while forest fires shock me into silence. Being a witch insists that you find ways to respect all sides of the elements, not just the calm and peaceful aspects.
Gothic, Fantasy, Dark, Female, Witch
All in one.

Creator and Destroyer: Witches fulfill both roles just like elements. We can create a song, a dance, or a company. We can dream of possibilities and potential. Conversely, we can throw out the ideas that don't serve us anymore. We can clear out the clutter of items that take up space we could use for other purposes. We work toward letting go of harmful emotions and thoughts. Living in accordance with all the other realizations I have had this week led to accepting myself as both creator and destroyer of my life as a witch and as a human.
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My circles don't look like this except in my imagination.

Looking back over this week, I've had a couple of interesting dreams about happiness, transformation, positive news, and cautious moves forward. I was particularly fond of the tavern that served only potatoes--every kind of potato, but only potatoes. I don't believe that the Dark Goddess was visiting me mind you, but when the subconscious dumps some weirdness, trying to find out what the brain was synthesizing that day can be enlightening. In the end, I just reaffirmed what I already believed: Create life where you live according to your values to the best of your ability while honoring the earth and its inhabitants.

Bull Moose, Portrait, Close Up, Profile 
Moose, call on the strength of the witch in you.

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