Saturday, September 16, 2017

Good Morning Migraine

I love mornings. I never used to. Like many teenagers I readily slept in until 11 am or even after noon. Now though, I enjoy waking up to see the sunrise. I love getting a yoga session in, some meditation, a quiet breakfast, and on the weekends even a bit of reading. Lately though, my morning solitude has been rudely disrupted by migraines. Those bastards!
Billy Goat, Goat, Ungulate, Animal
Lookin' a trifle sheepish, but right there with ya, Goat. 

I have been waking up with migraines lately. At least once a week for the last month and now three times this week. It's a harsh way to wake up when you're dizzy, nauseated, and in extreme pain. Even the low light of the street lamps bleeding through the blackout curtains are too much. The sounds of the perpetual fountain water dish for the cats are loud. It takes an incredible amount of will to drag my ass to work. I'm a little sick of it honestly.
 bear lazy polar bear polar GIF
That's about right there, Polar Bear.

Instead of doing yoga, I try to stretch, but moving around makes me nauseated and the pain intensifies. I try to make coffee only for the microwave to pierce my ears. I let the coffee brew while I lie down on the sofa with an ice pack. I pop a Zomig. I skip the morning strength training because yuck! Movement again. I'm also too dizzy to do an effective squat or lunge. I put on some meditation music and hope that the pain subsides. It doesn't. So I pop some ibuprofen like my doctor told me to. Then it's off to the shower. The pain finally lessens enough by the time I need to go to work after about 90 minutes of awful. I'm moving through quicksand trying to start the day.
Cheezburger funny animals polar bear polar bears GIF

Only then, I realize the migraine doesn't completely let go. They are persistent wankers! Yesterday, at about 11 am, my migraine staged a horrific resurgence and the Zolmig didn't knock it out. By 2 pm I thought I would have to have my husband come get me because the pain was intense and the dizzy was strong. I don't know how I made it through the last two periods of my day, but I definitely was not myself. I was slow and hazy in every way that is not helpful to a teacher. You can't imagine what it's like to hope that you don't vomit on your students. But I made it home and popped some more ibuprofen. After waiting an hour to see if things settled down, I went to dinner with my parents . The migraine backed off to about a 2 on the pain scale, so I could function. By the time I left dinner at about 9 pm, the tingling on my scalp and arms told me to brace myself for round three.
 stop stop it GIF
You tell that migraine, Hellboy!

I woke up around 5 am to the kitten making all kinds of noise with his toys. The noise from the other room seemed tinny and amplified. I started to pull myself up, then the piercing pain in my eyes knocked me back to my pillow. Fuck! The nausea kicked back in and the big cat purring on my pillow looked worried about not getting his food yet, but he remained and tried to comfort me with his purring. Oddly, the purring through the pillow did not grate on my nerves like the plastic toys on the hardwood. Cat purring is somewhat soothing even with a migraine.
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Thanks, Pusheen.

I tried to relax into more sleep because I couldn't move without gasping in pain, but I finally had to give up at 7ish. I stumbled out of the bedroom, made it to the bathroom, fed the cats, popped another Zomig, and collapsed on the sofa. At some point, the drug manufacturers will have to realize that when someone has a migraine, those stupid blister packs they use are impossible to manipulate. Seriously. When you have a migraine, the last thing you need is the packaging for your migraine relief flippin' attitude. Didn't even try to make coffee then as I just couldn't. About two hours later, my husband woke up. He made coffee. Unfortunately, on the weekend we grind the beans for really good coffee. The sound was so penetrating, I covered my head with the pillow. Since it had been at least 2 hours, I popped more ibuprofen hoping to send this migraine to hell once and for all.
 ass GIF
This is the perfect GIF for the sentiment, but the strobe effect is not helpful to the migraine. 

It's after 2 pm and I am still in the aftermath. It's not as bad, but it's not gone either and I can't take more Zomig. I might actually be out and there's a possibility that they won't renew my prescription for a few more days. Fuckers. I'm drinking warm chicken broth because thinking about eating just makes me sick. I do need something in my belly though.
 monday tired morning sleeping good morning GIF
You and me both, Cinderella.

Sitting here typing this, I am thankful that I can look at the screen without yelping. I am thankful that I can keep down this chicken broth. I am thankful that I may be able to take a shower soon. I wish I knew what was triggering my migraines lately, though. Is it the recent drastic shift in the weather that brought the first winter storm warning this week? (I am thankful for that too as it is helping put out the fires.) Is it the Benlysta treatment I had this week? Possibly. Looking at my migraine app, I do see a slight pattern for the last three months of the migraines hitting two days after an infusion and lasting for longer than a day. *sigh*
 tv supernatural dean winchester facepalm sigh GIF
You feel my pain don't you, Dean?

I'm not sure what is triggering things, but I do know that waking up in the pain like I have this past week sucks the proverbial ass. Then, not having it go away after all the treatments I have in my arsenal is even more disheartening. It's the weekend and I have things I want to do, but I'm in my robe and slippers still. At least there's still Sunday, right?
Moose, Bull, Wildlife, Nature, Mammal
Keep on, keepin' on, Moose.

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