Sunday, September 17, 2017

Which Witch is Which?

Good news! No migraine when I woke up. This of course meant I didn't have a good excuse not to get my butt in gear and get shit done. Of course, since I was a blob yesterday, it meant I had twice the shit to handle. 
Goat Buck, Goat, Horned, Ruminant
Yeah, I'd like to just laze away outside, too, Goat.

I cleaned in the house. Wiped down bathroom surfaces, loaded the dishwasher and unloaded it later for yet another load, swept the floor, and set out my clothes for the week. I also had the wherewithal to work out today. Ah! The muscles were a wee bit confused, but they accepted the necessity. I still played a lot of Diablo 3, which I may do more of before the day ends. I think my barbarian can handle skipping to torment 2. She's pretty fantabulous. I just need more of the set gear dangit! 
The screenshot doesn't do Sweetums justice.

I also found time to check on the garden. We had a weird and dramatic drop in the weather around here. We went from 90 to 45 for our high. We had three days of rain. I rather neglected the garden because of it. I went out there today though and harvested a ton of chard, which is now in little blanched balls awaiting freezing. So. Much. Chard. I also pulled our last kohlrabi, three cabbages, and about 10 jack-be-little pumpkins. We are going to have more of those, too. I took two romas and one green pepper. I wish our tomatoes would turn red; we've not had the bumper crop I was hoping for. We also have about five butternuts and 12 carving pumpkins. I noticed the first of the acorn squash today, too. It'll be a good harvest despite the lack of tomatoes. 
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Hang on there, Javert. No need to get crazy-eyes about them.

I brought the little pumpkins in and cleared off  the altar I have in the front room. The pumpkins always make a perfect addition to the altar. Cleared off all the bills and other items that had gathered there. Not very respectful of me to allow such a build up, right? Well, I cleaned it today. Sue me for not doing it sooner. Mabon is coming and harvesting the garden always puts me in the mood for the autumn solstice. I've been considering my ritual for this fall and what it means for me as a witch. 
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Still one of my all time favorite witches.

I came across one of those online quiz thingies and it came as a surprise to no one that I rated as a solitary witch. I prefer 'loning it in ritual just as I do in most things in life. Additionally, I follow The Peaceful Pagan on Facebook and I love her. I haven't seen anything from her in a a while, so I was glad to see her posting. She brought up the idea of how we define witch. She wrote, " I wax and wane, I am light and dark, I create and destroy. It is all in me. I understand this power and use it for good. I don't spend time on things, topics, people that don't interest me, I am unapologetic with who I am." I love that idea of not apologizing for who you are or the path you choose. I love this idea and I get annoyed with anyone who feels need to press me for justification or explanation. I hate it even more when I give them what they want. Create and destroy: so true. Sometimes I have a burst of energy to create, but then other times, I have to destroy whatever ideas or notions or novelties I had built up. Change is necessary. Changing our views and practices is also important. I think it is vital to change your views in light of new and enlightening information. For that, I will not apologize. 
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I'm not entirely sure what this is, but I think it gets where I'm coming from.

She continued, "There is a witch in all of us. Claim her." Well okay then. Claim her. It's freeing to use the term witch without tying it to Wicca. I've fairly well defined my own version of witchiness without the need of validation or dogma from a coven. I suppose that is what I should think about as we get closer to Mabon: ow will I live as a witch in the coming months? It is the season of the dark goddess, so I get to ponder that as well. Now that I have the altar cleared and ready, maybe my morning meditation would be well spent considering the idea of claiming my witch--or reclaiming rather. I have had several dreams that indicate that insightfulness and cleverness are under the surface thanks to symbols like the fox that one night. Then there was the bear. A little bit of resurrection, renewal, and introspection with that one. Of course, I also had the shark, a symbol of fierceness and struggle with my own individuality. My subconscious has been busy.
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It gets a little crowded in my subconscious sometimes.

A witch knows herself. I know myself, but I've felt a change in the wind lately. As the leaves turn and the nights get longer, I feel like delving more deeply and uncovering what's been lurking in the shadows. Time to draw them out and spend some time with them. Time to sit with myself, my own thoughts and pains, my own self that I show and that I don't. Time to put the rest behind and use those lessons learned to move forward with more confidence and peacefulness. Do better. I'm ready to claim my witch.
Bull Moose, Portrait, Close Up, Profile
You know it, Moose. Get your witch on!

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