Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Elephant Predator in the Room

I just roasted up two high jinks pumpkins. I have 6 more mind you. Looks like we'll be rolling in pumpkin puree. Seriously. I went to look online for chest freezers. We'll need one soon. As I was scooping out the pumpkin guts, it occurred to me that anyone who makes excuses for Roy Moore, the Orange Man, and lack of gun control seriously has their priorities out of order.
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Poor Kid. You have no idea.

Roy Moore: People are actually making excuses for this man. They have even used the Bible to excuse his behavior. I mean, Lot tossed his virginal daughters to the crowds and then impregnated them, so why not allow Moore to have his way with as many underage women as he wants, right? Clearly if the Bible allows it, then we should also not censure Moore for statutory rape. I read an article that said he was known for going around his hometown trolling for underage young women. The people in the town knew about it and did nothing. That's the height of disgusting and ambivalent behavior. I've also heard the what-about-ists claiming, "But Bill Clinton! He got to remain President!" Ok I see your point... to a point. Moore's victim was underage. That's the bottom line here. While Clinton did get a a bit of a pass on the blowjob and the lying (Slick Willy and all) he also did not prey on underage women. What he did does not in anyway excuse what Moore did. Period. To still cast a vote for this man rather than boot him out is reprehensible. Even the Democrats ousted Anthony Weiner for sending dick pics. Al Franken has openly invited investigation into the allegations against him. Surely someone will come to their right mind and tell the Republican party enough! Moore's got to go.Why the party is even allowing him to stay in the race is hideous.
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You know it, Dean. Bad taste indeed.

That Jerk Who Shall Not Be Named: Let's move on to the embarrassment we have to accept as our leader*shudder* He was elected even though he was on tape bragging about sexual assault and was accused of walking in on the contestants of the Miss Teen USA Pageant. Oh yeah! And then there was the rape case involving a 14 year old that quietly got settled and/or ignored. I supposed one could say that too many absentee ballots had been cast, but I don't think that's the case here. Given the lackluster condemnation of Moore, I think it has more to do with the Republican Party's sexism. It's that simple. Women and young girls exist as objects for sex only: be pretty honey, but not slutty; smile even though you want to run screaming; just take it because I'm big and powerful and will make your life hell if you talk. I'm sure some female Republicans would disagree with me, but they damn well better not have voted for nor currently support either one of them. If they dare to blame the women, then fuck them! The teen contestants had an expectation of privacy and he violated it. The women he accosted had a right to bodily autonomy. Period. There is no excuse and to make excuses for him is reprehensible.
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Like your soul, you bastards!

Gun Lovers: Then there are the gun enthusiasts who never seem to think it's the right time to talk about enacting laws to prohibit private ownership of assault weapons and  modifiers that allow the guns to create even more mayhem in a mass shooting situation. Of course, when people chose the Second Amendment over protecting children, they showed their true colors. When they called conspiracy! It didn't happen! They don't really want to protect children at all. Ever. If they claim to be right to life and they also believe that nothing can be done to protect children from mass shootings, they lie. They tacitly accept they are helpless to make any kind of change, which is total bullshit. They are complicit in every death that has occurred since Sandy Hook. Of course, now there are those bulletproof shields to put in backpacks so some scumbag can profit off the fear. Way to go free market! Make the kids wear body armor to school so you can make a buck. That makes total sense you exploitative assholes!
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*Needs no caption Speaks for itself*

It's become rather clear as I squish and squash my pumpkins that Republicans really don't give a damn about the children in this country. They have traded their family values for unfettered pedophiles and unlimited gun access. Don't even get me started on their education policy. Make no mistake, if you're underage, the Republican party will choose their politicians and gun money over you every fucking time.
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Best keep running, Li'l Moose.

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