Sunday, November 5, 2017


I haven't written much. How can I? It's just overwhelming lately. An incompetent president, a government unraveling, a deluge of assault stories, and yet another goddamned shooting.
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Baffles me too, Goat. We should be able to do something about that last one.

I'm frozen. It feels like the snow on roof slid down on my head. It's chilling. It's freezing here. If only it had made my skin into some kind of icy armor. But here I am. Hiding out in my robe avoiding the literal snow and the deep freeze I feel at every headline. It's a whiteout.
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Gorgeous and terrifying this picture. Bring on the gorgeous.

Around here we get Chinook winds that give us a break from the winter weather warnings. Reports for the week don't show breaks in the early and fierce winter. I have Sorel boots, a warm knit scarf and hat, and my gloves are ready to wear. We Montanans know how to brave the storms.
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I have an electric bed warmer, too. Sorry, Moose.

At least that's one armor I have.

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