Sunday, December 3, 2017

A Day in the Life

I should be practicing for my dance performance this week. I'm not. I think I have my song chosen. I've had a migraine for the last five days. It's been a roller coaster of level 8, medicate, level 1, and then back to 8. This morning, I awoke and couldn't even turn on the lights of the Christmas tree. I fed the cats, drank some water, and laid back down on the sofa after taking my Zomig.
Image result for goat
You're right to be skeptical, Goat. It hasn't been all that successful lately.

About an hour later, I drowsily looked around and sat up. I was greeted with more stabby pain in my right eye. My GP had told me that if after 30 minutes to an hour the triptan didn't work, take 2 ibuprofen. I did and went back to the sofa for another hour.
sunday GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
That's about the size of it.

When I awoke, my cat, Hissy, had her face in my water glass and she was lapping it up. *sigh* I sat up and the pain wasn't as bad. After getting my bearings, I stood and went to the kitchen to make coffee. Then I went back to the sofa. I set my computer screen to nightlight to dim the overpowering glare and tried to read some articles. That didn't go well. I went back to finish the coffee.
good morning coffee GIF by Nickelodeon
That's about what I looked like sniffing the coffee.

While the French press steeped, I went to put drops in my eyes. I gave the cats some dry food for second breakfast. They're like hobbits that way. Then I stirred the coffee. While it settled, I went back to the bathroom and put more drops in my eyes. It occurred to me that I had already done this. Dammit.
jungle book an elephant never forgets GIF by chuber channel
Oh thanks. That's really helpful.

I went to get my coffee and sat back on the sofa and inhaled that glorious aroma. I tried reading again. A little better, but the pain was starting to get cranky again because of all the movement. I enlarged the type on the computer to combat the blurriness and continued to slowly read and scroll. I looked over at the boxes that had arrived for Christmas gifts and decided I should open them. Since Klaus likes boxes so much, he decided to "help" me. He had successfully pulled some of the packaging tape off of one box, but the rest of his assistance was really more an exercise in patience while he sat atop the box and chewed on it.
cat box GIF
Yeah...he's done that.

I sat down again. More coffee. Where'd I put the lists for Christmas? I needed to check if everything arrived yet. I hunted and hunted and grew more discouraged and pained as I l hunted. Finally found the damned thing next to he microwave, but the big list of what I had bought last weekend wasn't on there. I had to go through the receipt emails to see which ones were in and which were not; which were for whom, and which went to someone else. Again: tedious and pained. Frustrating too because I couldn't remember what I bought for whom. My memory has been shot for days.
remember GIF
That's right, Gollum. Just when I think I have it, I don't.

The pain started to subside after some coffee and time, so I went to handle some laundry. The pain started growing again as I mounted the stairs to go put away the denims and darks. Fuck. I just couldn't shake this damn migraine. I got a little woozy as I put away laundry. Don't move too fast or you'll anger the migraine gods.
sloth touching GIF
My soulmate for the day.

After some Diablo and more time on the sofa, I eventually made my way to the shower. While in the shower, it seemed as if something was lifting. Oh my! The migraine seemed to be on its way out. Finally! After the will it or won't, after the color blobs and light show, after the dizzy and the difficulty finding words, I seemed to be free of the pain.
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 So yeah, Frank-N-Furter, I had a bit of the hanky and the panky. 

Now I'm back on the sofa. Exhausted. My migraine app has been updated. It's so optimistic. It tells me I've been headache free for an hour. But I'm too tired to dance. I'm too tired to sweep the floor. I'm too tired to go dismantle the fence for salvage lumber to make above ground garden beds as I've been wanting to do all week.
tired good morning GIF by Peanuts
 You got it right, Snoopy. Bit I'll sleep on the sofa. 
It's more comfortable than the top of a doghouse.

I hate fucking migraines. They've interfered so much lately. I missed work. I missed working out and doing yoga because I had to move slowly so I could get to work. I've missed dance because I've been on the floor too pained to walk. I've not been to see a friend who's in town caring for her father who's recovering from having a big ass tumor removed. I want to go volunteer somewhere in town, but I'm scared because what if I can't keep my obligations due to migraines? It really does make one anxious and depressed.
scared paper bag GIF by davidsaracino
Ya got one of those for me?

The blue dots are blinking on the wall to the right of my screen. The pain every so often sends a level 2 surge through the back of my head. My fatigue says I should sleep even though I know that will make me stay awake during the night. Do I add this to my app as a headache? Is it worthy of an entry? I don't know.
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The cat gets me.

I do know I see my neurologist tomorrow. I don't know what she'll say when I tell her how awful the last few weeks have been. If she increases my Lamictal, I'm in for a week of nightmares and sweats. I want a beer; I haven't had one in a week, so I'm not going to ruin my good run now. I can resist. Not like I could drive anyway. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully a pain free morning. It's been almost a week since I've had one of those. Whatever. What's one more migraine morning now anyway?
Image result for swedish moose
You're right, Moose. Best just sit and recover. Tomorrow will be what it will be.

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