Sunday, December 10, 2017

Yule is Coming

Every year, my husband and I share the responsibility for preparing the Christmas dinner. My mom has successfully handed that off to us as everyone else goes to church. This is fine. It keeps me busy, and I've mostly gotten past the whole oh-my-gods-I'm-cooking-a-huge-meal-for-the-whole-family anxiety. Mostly.
Image result for goat in a Christmas hat
 I said "mostly", Goat. No need for the side eye.

Our Christmas consists of prime rib, potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and a salad. Sometimes there's a second veggie, but not always. Sometimes there is soup. Not always. My sister makes the dessert usually. I try to go for a walk while the family is at church before I start on dinner. It is calming and centers me for the havoc that is to come. The snow dampens sound making it easier to focus and charge my batteries for later. 
great outdoors snow GIF by Libby VanderPloeg
Hopefully it won't be like this outside that night. Wind in winter here can be bitterly cold.

I'm contemplating my own Yule celebration this afternoon. It's on a Thursday officially according to the internet, and I still will have school the next day. I am sure that the family will gather on Friday as my aunt is also coming in from Denver for Christmas. It'll be a big gathering that night; one which I would be loathe to miss and guilted for not attending I am sure. I want to be there, but it'd also be good for a quiet and cozy Yule that night since school will be off my mind. Consequently, I'm vacillating between celebrating Thursday or waiting until after dinner Friday. I can't really stay up and watch the sun rise on the Solstice. Ah hell, I'm up to see the sun rise anyway, so that part of the celebration can actually happen. 
snow melting GIF by Living Stills
 Sunrise really is beautiful out our back window. Just need to wait for it rather than run to work. 
I can appreciate the morning. I can.

I think on Thursday, perhaps I will watch the sun rise, meditate on the peace, happiness, harmony, and love. I shall try to think of those concepts frequently throughout the day. After school, have dinner of Sun God Soup with my husband and have honey cakes for dessert--again pouring my feelings of peace, happiness, harmony, and love into the meal. Ginger tea and ginger beer for beverages. Probably a shot of Vazonka, too. I think I can get away with one on my IBS diet. Burn the candles on the wood of last year's tree and light some frankincense. Perhaps some light music. I think I will avoid anything other than music or reading. Maybe Christmas Carol if I can talk my husband into it.  
yule log fireplace GIF
Oh! To have a fireplace. I think I'd move those stockings though.

While I cherish the Christmas traditions with my family, I truly savor the solitude and quiet of Yule. I know it used to be a drunken and rowdy celebration, but I find a more sedate observation suits my practice. I'll leave the loud merriment to the Christmas gathering.
Image result for white moose
C'mon, Moose. You'd look great with an evergreen wreath on your head. Some holly perhaps?

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