Friday, August 17, 2018

Small Victories

This summer has proven challenging with the chronic illnesses. Every trip has resulted in some sort of weird flare up of activity. Whether it was migraine, lupus, or IBS, something or all things went amok. Prior to our recent camping trip, I was apprehensive yet hopeful.
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It turned out better than I thought, Goat. Thanks for asking.

The morning we were to depart,  I had a list of things to accomplish before hitting the road. Almost none of them happened because I awoke to a migraine before sunrise. This didn't bode well and required every self-care strategy in my arsenal from prioritizing the to-do's to ice packs to the TENS unit. My husband saw my predicament when he awoke and took the reigns for much of the prep and packing of the car. Once the triptan took the edge off enough to function, I helped out. He still got to drive though. Not the best start to the trip and it really put a damper on my enthusiasm.
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Me either,Marge. Me either.

All was not lost though. When we returned, I did not have the post-trip migraine I've had all summer. I even got  up and went in to set up my classroom rather than needing a recovery day to nurse a pounding in my skull. Getting into work was vital as the building was off limits last week when I tried, and next week I have a bunch of in-service training. I also have jury summons the day before school starts, so getting as much done yesterday as possible was necessary. Thankfully, I managed to get it all done and not deal with headache interference.
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Exactly my reaction, Rafael.

Added to that triumph, when I checked that lesion on my nose before jumping in the shower to rinse off the woods, I was relieved to see that the lesion had not opened again. I did all the same things I did before, but I did use a hat that had a solid brim rather than the sun hat with the more filtered type brim. The small lupus rash is still there, but the open and seeping wound is not. I can cover up the rash fairly well with make-up. A band-aid on my nose not so much. Definite success achievement.
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Totally what I did, NPH. Totally.

The only one that wasn't wholly improved was the IBS. Travel just causes problems. In this case, the vault toilet is a definite hindrance. Let's face it: vault toilets camping are just not conducive to lengthy and relaxing bowel endeavors. Consequently, there was much pain and cramping that interfered with sleep even There was more movement than has happened previously thanks to what my husband has deemed "fiber patties," but not completely resolved. Fiber patties are delightful flatbreads made with coconut flour, psyllium powder, baking powder, and water. Best way to integrate more fiber in my opinion. I had hopes for this intervention, but alas! It was marginally effective at best, and I wound up bound and water-logged.
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Can't win 'em all, EMH Mark 1.

On the whole, I am quite pleased that our last trip endeavor led to such a reduction in my ailment symptoms. Truly. This was a relief that I cannot effectively communicate. Today's goal: keep making progress, but not overdo it. Making some low-carb, wheat flourless, and fiber rich chocolate zucchini baked goods sound like a gentle and manageable plan.
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I know, Moose. Don't push it too hard, but enjoy it all the same.

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