Sunday, August 26, 2018

Shit. It Starts Tomorrow

I just selected, ironed, and hung all of my outfits for the week. This is standard Sunday operating procedure for the school year. That's right. It starts tomorrow (insert desperate whimpering and agonized cries here). I think I am ready...kind of. There's always so much more that needs doing though. I already have a list on my desk at school just waiting for me. I've already been in my classroom a little over 8 hours this past week in addition to class and professional reading. The start of the year is always a love-panic thing.
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That's right, Kids. It's that time again.

The week leading up to the start of the year is always full of personal and professional items I need to do. I get into my room and set things up. I plan the first few days. I check student schedules and notify counselors of changes if needed. I usually have professional development classes building up to the start, too. This helps me get into the swing of things. I enjoy starting a new year because there's a bit of renewal and redefining myself that happens. There's all this potential and optimism and joy. It's exciting. New lessons, new ideas, new arrangements of the room, and new applications of things I've learned over the summer. I hope to keep that refreshing spirit for as long as I can throughout the year.
comedy what GIF by Karsten Torebjer
Me practicing my teacher eyes. They're essential, too.

Personally I do a lot, too. I get some of those last minute procrastinations done like cleaning a cupboard, cleaning out the herb garden, reading another book since I don't know when I might have the energy to devote time to pleasure reading, a massage, and a new haircut (I tend to let it go most of summer). My husband and I even had a kalsarikanni last night.
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What is that you ask, Dean? Let me enlighten you. I think you'd like it.

The last book of summer was Pantsdrunk (translation of the Finnish practice of kalsarikanni). It was like the anti-hygge and refreshingly indulgent. Think The Dude from Big Lebowski and you kinda have the right idea. We had tacos, sat in our comfy underwear, had some beer (hadn't had that in months), ate some licorice and chocolate almonds, and watched some Netflix. I think our show choice, Disenchanted, was spot-on, but the movie, The Babadook, was too serious. Good, but just not light and mindless enough for true embracing of pantsdrunk. We shall try again later. If what I just described sounds like a typical night for you, then you're not capturing the true essence of pantsdrunk. Honestly, I think we've hit upon pantsdrunk before and didn't know it. Bear in mind, drunkenness is not the point. If you're hungover in the morning, you've gone too far.
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Um, Eddie. That's a bit over the top.

There's also the not so fun last minute items like doctor appointments.My annual physical is usually around this time of year. Of course, it keeps getting pushed back each summer, so I might be back to school next year when it comes around. Anyway, a lot of goodness happened at the annual. I feel better with the IBS. My doctor was attentive and actually spent a long time with me. Instead of the 15 minutes some doctors devote, I was in there for an hour! Quite thorough. I had my list of conversation topics. He noted the edema. He ordered some tests to see if my ovaries are shutting down early to explain the migraine spike and heat/cold pendulum. My blood pressure was good. I asked about the rash that is still on my nose. Ultimately, it's "just[my] lupus being lupus". At least it's not infected, right? I asked about all the bruises (I have a bunch of softball-sized ones on my legs) and the weird over-bleeding of a cat scratch (Seriously. I missed dance and thought I was going to have to get stitches. For a fucking cat scratch. Thankfully ice and elevation worked). I wondered if I should stop the low-dose aspirin. His view was that a stroke was permanent, bruises were not. Fair point. But damn! That blood was scary. He did refer me back to my hematologist to get his view on things, too.
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Ok. So it wasn't this bad. But it did pool on the floor 
and the 3" band-aid dripped blood because it was so saturated.

Oddly, I got in to see the blood doc the same week because he had a cancellation. Win! My blood doc said to definitely stop the occasional ibuprofen he'd ok'd when I had my neck surgery, which I had already done. He also had access to my blood test results from earlier in the week. All looked good (vitamin levels, thyroid panel, and nope. Ovaries aren't shutting down). He commented that there's no reason for the body temp irregularities. Well, there is. It's just not the ovaries, Doc. Anyway, he too felt that the bruising was nothing to be worried about. Of course, he's not the one who gets the comments like, "Wow! What did you do? Run into every door you saw lately?" or "Are you ok? You're not like feeling unsafe or dealing with some life-threatening situation, are you?" *sigh* He also asked about how the lupus affects me. I told him. He kinda blew all that off with, "But your kidneys aren't affected?" Nope. Not lupus nephritis. "That's fine." Ummm, not really. I am glad my kidneys aren't affected yet, but SLE ain't all peaches and cream. But he's blood, not rheumy. Anyway, I need to reduce the low-dose aspirin to 3 times a week and see if the Von Willebrand's symptoms subside. If not, cut it entirely. Of course, I have to tell my neuro and rheumy since they wanted it for the stroke risk from my migraines (I have some white spots on my brain). Migraine with aura is associated with greater stroke risk. up
mr. bean doctor GIF
Yeah. I'm thrilled about it too, Mr. Bean.
Like at all.

I'm glad these appointments are out of the way because getting time away for them usually requires a half day or whole day sub depending on when the doctor is available. I need to conserve my sick days since I never know how many I'll need to spend for migraines and other ailments. Sick days are also worth extra pay when I retire. I feel better about some health items, but not others. Actually, I'm afraid the migraines will be terrible again. August has been the first month in almost two years that I have had far fewer pain days than non-pain days. I always have spike when school starts. It makes me apprehensive and a bit anxious. I feel ready and excited professionally, but personally I am scared.
moose | ynskjen moose | by ynskjen
Image result for moose
Moose, you look like you've got a pantsdrunk Zen goin' on. Can I join you?

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