Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Tragedy of Belief

I've been doing a lot of thinking about belief, gender, and power lately. I'ts all been rather propelled into the foreground thanks to the recent Supreme Court confirmation. I think that this whole modern process of politicizing the Supreme Court started with Merrick Garland and it's just gotten worse as time has gone by. The Court should not be seen as partisan, and yet, here we are. As I've watched, grimaced, and railed, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on what it means to believe a survivor, to be of a certain gender, and to wield power.
Image result for goat
You have the power of cuteness, Goat. For sure.

I believe Ford. Let's just get that straight. I believe that Murkowski took the easy way out to save her bacon by telling everyone she didn't support the nomination, while not actually proving up when the vote came down. She voted present, which was a convenient way to use the absence of Daines to her advantage. She played the coward there. I imagine that she was whipped into agreeing to say present so as not to publicly break yet again with the party. I believe that Flake, Manchin, and McConnell all need to be purged from their seats (among others).
binging season 4 GIF
They've binged long enough.

I believe that Susan Collins deserves to be sent packing. I heard her opponent's site crashed due to the overwhelming traffic after Collins' speech to advance the nominee. I believe that her statement is false. She cannot believe Ford while also believing that the nominee is worthy. Ford said she was 100% sure it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her. Collins said that the investigation allowed for the possibility that Ford was assaulted, just not by Kavanaugh. If Collins truly believed Ford, then she believed the 100% positive statement and therefore couldn't advance Kavanaugh whom she'd have to see as a criminal. You can't believe Ford while believing Kavanaugh deserves a seat on the court. Unless of course, you still buy into the gender hierarchy.
Half The Picture
do it no GIF by Half The Picture
Yeah, that's kinda the problem right there.

I believe there is a rape culture. I believe that there is a message sent to young men now that they can exert their sexual dominance how ever they want because they will not be held to account. Too many opportunities have been given and power and belief keeps being handed over to the male offenders (specifically the white male offenders). Brock Turner anyone? Now this. Clarence Thomas got away with it because face it, his accuser was not only female, but a black female. According to the gender hierarchy, the odds were always in Thomas' favor.
Disney Pixer
angry inside out GIF by Disney Pixar
It's been nearly 30 years! What. The. Actual. Fuck.

The era of two genders is fading, but not quickly enough. More genders than the binary are now identified although not always recognized by everyone. Anyone other than male and female is lower on the hierarchy and subject to even greater scorn and disbelief. Their very existence is disbelieved. It can be seen throughout history and cultures. Even my own Wiccan and Pagan beliefs identified the male and female deities. While these were just ways to name the energies that already existed and needed no label, the power hierarchy is there, too. Are they of equal balance or is the female seen as higher on the scale? Humans made them male and female as an extension of the power structure they already knew. Goddess and God perpetuates this power structure just as boys will be boys or boys hit and tease because they like you or can't you see what your accusations are doing to this poor, poor male?
matthew perry no GIF by CBS
See how fearful they are? Poor males feel their power being threatened.
And then upheld. 

I believe humans trade in power. They always have and they always will. The politicians are browbeating each other and the public with their power games. The #MeToo movement seeks to break down that power hierarchy while at the same time the status quo population desperately tries to prop it up. Often times successfully. Humans like power. They hate to feel powerless. They will tighten their grasp on the power they have even if it means trading their humanity. Continuing to believe in power structures I believe desecrates humanity. 
Burning Season 7
burning season 7 GIF
Isn't it interesting that when you search for desecrate, you get pictures of burning flags?
Someone should check the definition of desecrate.

I reread some passages in my Wiccan reference library today. Cunningham speaks of personal power, earth power and divine power. Personal power being the life force within us that keeps us alive. The earth power being that found in nature. This being the basis of magic works that draw on the earth energies of colors, herbs, resins, and all other natural materials in spellwork. The divine then being the combination of personal and earth power within the power that created everything. The hierarchy being with the divine at the top. Priest and priestess have the power over the rest of the coven. Long ago I eliminated the word  power from my spiritual practice and I chose solitary in order to avoid power hierarchy. It's not easy. When I trip up, I cringe.
kramer do not want GIF
That is about right, Kramer.

I believe in the energy that existed before us that brought us all into being. We named that energy and thus began the power structure. We are energy, we draw energy from around us, and we are connected to that energy outside of ourselves. The law of energy conservation says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. In Wicca, this means that we draw energy from within and combine it with energy from the earth (stones, spices, herbs, water). By doing so we transcend to a state of connectivity with everything around us. Power robs us of that connection.
Evil Star Wars GIF
That kinda sums up my point, Anakin.

But how do you separate the energy of connection from the power of hierarchy? I don't believe we can. Tragically, humans like their power too damn much.

US Fish and Wildlife Service on Flickr
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You should listen to her, Moose. Believe her, too.

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