Sunday, December 16, 2018

Effed Up World Choices

I've been considering the idea of choice a lot in the last few weeks. I've seen a few headlines that make me really wonder about the choices of our "world leaders". It's one thing when I fuck up my own choices, but when the people who are supposed to be leaders fuck up, the consequences are scarier and affect a lot more people.
Image result for goats
I know it's hard to believe, Goat. They just keep fucking things up.

For example, a few weeks back I read an article about Pope Francis. Now, you all know how I feel about the Catholic Church, but I had thought Francis was starting to move the church in a better direction more suited to the modern era. However, he really fucked that up. Francis said he was "worried" about homosexuality in the priesthood. Homosexuality is "fashionable"  and there is "no room for this" in the lives of priests and nuns. Those training for the clergy are to be "humanly and  emotionally mature". Apparently homosexuality means you are neither. After all, the official position which he reiterated is that homosexual acts ares sins even though homosexuality is not. WTF? There's a distinct whiff of equating homosexuality with pedophilia in the comments like "they (candidates for holy orders) be impeccably responsible, trying never to scandalize either their communities or the faithful holy people of God." That word: scandalize. Because you know, the priests who committed pedophilia were all gay, obviously.  He also makes reference to supporting "gay culture" as ruling out holy orders for a person. Way to fuck up your "who am I to judge" comment. You totally judge when you say this shit, Francis. Ever think perhaps that ridiculous rule about celibacy is the real problem? No? OK then. You suck.
tumbleweed you suck GIF
And tumbleweeds never lie. 

Another fuck up on the world stage is the recent climate summit. You know-the one where the US stood with Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait against strengthening commitments and efforts to curtail global warming? Because Russia and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are exactly who the US should stand with. (Pssst! "Denier in Chief", your collusion is showing). I'd say they're all like ostriches, but let's be honest: their heads aren't in the sand. They're up their asses. It's not like humans have vastly altered the world's climate by bringing back climates from millions of years ago in a short span of two centuries. Nah. Didn't happen. The US being one of the largest contributors to the current carbon emission crisis is irrelevant. Let them smell our exhaust fumes and belching fossil fuel refining. So what if their island homes get wiped out in waves of warmer oceans? We still have our gas, oil, and big money! All you world leader climate deniers suck ass.
crickets you suck GIF
That's right my 6-legged friend. 
Your time to rule may be on the horizon.

Yet another fuck up comes out of Texas. Surprised? Nope. Sorry, Texas. When it comes to policy, your leaders tend to fuck up on the whole making life better for the people thing. Anyway, a federal judge just ruled the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional, which sends it back to the Supreme Court...again. Because we have to keep arguing about how seeing to it that everyone has what they need to be healthy as some sort of blight on our freedoms. Ever stop to consider that not worrying about healthcare ensures people can pursue life, liberty, and happiness? Oh wait. The fact that GoFundMe is the solution to outrageous medical bills is a good thing. Reducing the sick to online beggars is what makes America great. Might as well rename the fundraising site Panhandling for Prescriptions, or Entreating for Treatment, or Soliciting for Surgery. If the legislature has been able to come up with a replacement for the ACA, they would have done it by now. But they couldn't. Because it's hard. Because they don't want to make sure that the people they represent have what they need. It's more important to hide behind their version of the constitution and ensure that insurance companies and prescription drug companies get to keep reaping the financial benefits while the people die. They simply can't admit that the ACA, flawed as it is, is the right path forward. Standing against Medicare for All or universal healthcare as a right means you suck big, fat, hairy donkey dongs.
Saturday Night LIve
you suck leslie jones GIF by Saturday Night Live
Say it again for the people in the back!

I don't know how to make people understand that giving everyone the dignity of life with acceptance of who they are, affirmation of climate change responsibility, and assurance that a cancer diagnosis won't bankrupt them are essential to humanity. It is simply unconscionable to think contrary to any of these precepts.  Choosing to ally against equal rights, climate change, and universal healthcare is simply choosing to fuck up everyone and everything that wants to live in happiness and freedom.
USFWS Headquarters
Image result for alaskan moose
Just remember: Moose is watching you. Moose knows when you fuck up.

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