Sunday, December 30, 2018

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Dear Facebook,
There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to be blunt.
I'm breaking up with you. I'd say that cliche that it's not you, it's me; however let's be honest. It's totally you.
What can I say? It started like a fun and light-hearted relationship. You brought me close to friends from different states and even countries. You got me hooked on Farkle. You made me laugh at memes and jokes. You gave me thought-provoking articles and some fun discussions. There were posts about cats, goats, moose and more. I enjoyed the challenge of posting a different birthday photo and message for everyone for a whole year. I thought the challenge of Moose Monday, Totally Odd Tuesday, Whale Wednesday, Friday Eve Funny Bone, Friday Animal of the Week, and of course, Caturday might make the place friendlier and lighter for all my friends. It was therapeutic for a while.
But then it all changed. You betrayed me. You betrayed us all.
I don't want to make this any more awkward than it already is, but you've likely already heard. I've been seeing Reddit for a while now. I can get my fill of puns, art, migraine discussions, science news, and the cutest damn collection of daily r/cats and r/aww I can handle.
I've deactivated my page until I move out all my stuff. I've tried to make this as easy as possible. Please don't message me. I never put the app on my phone. Don't try and get my friends to bring me back. That's just rude and really just shows how desperate and manipulative you can be. Let's just go our separate ways.
And no, I don't want to be friends.

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