Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Better Life Choices

It's 2019 in case you missed the noise and festivities. It was loud in our neck of the woods. Our poor cats were more than disturbed by the fireworks...just like my sleep. But here it is as usual: a new turn around the sun. Along with that comes the usual round of soon to be broken and forgotten resolutions. I saw a post about resolutions and the person simply committed to being less of an asshole. Sounds good to me, so for 2019 I will make these choices to be less of an asshole.
US Fish Wildlife and Parks
Image result for goat
Sound good to you, derpy Goat?

I will spend less time on social media and more time doing things I enjoy. I broke it off with Facebook. Now I just need to limit my time on Reddit and Pinterest. This should be fairly easy to accomplish as I don't spend much time there anyway. This will help me less of an asshole because I won't be tempted to unleash a keyboard storm of rants at people who post things that offend my sensibilities. I'll be less of an asshole to myself as well because my blood pressure won't explode and I'll have more time for other endeavors.
Indonesia Emosi
indonesia emosi GIF
Less of this is good for everyone.

Less time scrolling means I'll have more time for things like reading and gasp! creative exploits. I read a lot of books in 2018, but not as many as I wanted. If I make time to read before bed, it likely will help me get more sleep as well, so I'll be less of an asshole to my body and my mind. As for being creative, I figure dancing, polymer clay projects, and a writing series I'm thinking of will also help me be less of an asshole to myself. If I'm less of an asshole to myself, the greater the chance I'll be less of an asshole to others.
be excellent bill and ted GIF
Life goals for everyone!

I might even have more time to be less of an asshole to my friends and family. Who knows? I might actually make some more time for socializing outside of electronic mediums. There may even be volunteering in the works. I just have to find the right fit. Something I believe in that won't be let down if I have to call out with a migraine. 
Percolate Galactic
headache migraine GIF by Percolate Galactic
This is not a therapy I have tried.

There you have it. I'm going to less of an asshole. Maybe it will rub off on others. That phrasing may need some work.
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Aww! You got it figured out, my moose!

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