Monday, January 21, 2019

The Analyst

Umm, excuse me. I got a message that something has gone offline with your therapy plan. Can you describe the problem?

Yes. It began about two years ago. I started getting more frequent headaches.

Did you drink more water?

Yes. That's not the problem. I tried that before calling. You see I...

Ok. Let's see. Did you eat?

Yes. I love eating. My husband is a fantastic cook.

Did you have red wine? Processed foods?

No. I don't think you understand the problem. I have been through all the usual troubleshoots. Water, food, wine, nitrate/nitrite, and cheese. Nothing worked. My headaches have erupted in frequency and intensity.

Did you try shutting down and restarting?

Yup. Did that too. My sleep cycle is same as ever at about 7 to 7.5 hours a night. Seriously. I wouldn't have called if any of the usual things readily available on a Google search were the issue. Anyway...

What about medications. Anything new or different?

...ruled that out, too. Actually went off of one for about 7 months, which made the lupus fatigue worse. That wasn't the issue. I actually put the work ticket in because...

Have you seen a doctor or specialist?

My GP, an ENT, and a neurologist in addition to my rheumalotogist and even my gynecologist. I've seen them all.


Nothing. Not my ears, not my hormones, not a tumor. Nothing except a few white spots on my brain, which are apparently normal for someone my age. 

Your migraines were well-managed prior. Is that correct?

Yes, but...

What have you stopped doing? Sometimes we get complacent when we feel good.



Hello? Ma'am? Are you still on the line?

I've been through it all. I've tried elimination diets, I've tried my vestibular rehabilitation exercises, and I've tried a handful of different medications. Even upping my supplements like magnesium and then adding regular massages. The first thing you do when a flare up of symptoms happens is to examine the current treatments and look for anything that is lacking from before.

What did you find that you had let go?

Nothing, you ignorant jackass! I've been through it all and nothing set this ball rolling. Chronic conditions don't need the person to be slacking in order to flare up or worsen. Sometimes they just do. I feel like you're blaming me for this situation. 

Perhaps you're too focused on feeling bad. You need to get out more. What do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy a lot of things. Some things I haven't been able to enjoy because my pain makes life unpredictable.  The vertigo keeps me from biking much and dancing is just depressing right now. I love reading, but I can't understand what I read sometimes even when the pain isn't the major issue. Before the pain really hits, I struggle with words and reading. There's not much I can do sometimes. It does rather consume my focus when the pain never really subsides, or the vertigo keeps me from moving around too much, or I'm just too fucking tired to do a gorram thing! I feel like you don't know how this feels. To be shut up, isolated, confused, depressed, frustrated and without anyone to just listen rather than try to "help" with well-meaning fix-its. I've. Been. Through. All. The. Troubleshoots.

Have you tried...

Don't say it.



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